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Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)

Asieris, Photocure
Drug class:
Outcomes of High-risk Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Treated With Blue Light Resection (clinicaltrials.gov)
P3, N=200, Recruiting, Johns Hopkins University | Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
Enrollment open
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Trial primary completion date • Head-to-Head
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
New P3 trial
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Comparative Study of Hexvix Blue Light Cystoscopy and White Light Cystoscopy in the Detection of Bladder Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov)
P3, N=158, Completed, Photocure | Active, not recruiting --> Completed | N=380 --> 158
Trial completion • Enrollment change
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Blue light transurethral resection and biopsy of bladder cancer with hexaminolevulinate: Histopathological characteristics and recurrence rates in a single UK centre study. (PubMed, BJUI Compass)
Recurrence rate was 33.3% in the primary arm and 37.5% in the secondary arm after 24 months of follow-up. Our data confirm that blue light TURBT with HAL provides superior detection and diagnosis of CIS in patients with previous white light cystoscopy.
Journal • Biopsy
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Photodynamic Diagnosis-guided Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour in Participants with a First Suspected Diagnosis of Intermediate- or High-risk Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: Cost-effectiveness Analysis Alongside a Randomised Controlled Trial. (PubMed, Eur Urol Open Sci)
We assessed overall costs for two approaches for removal of bladder tumours in noninvasive cancer and measured quality-adjusted life years gained for each. We found that use of a photosensitiser in the bladder was not more cost effective than use of white light only during tumour removal.
Journal • HEOR • Cost-effectiveness • Cost effectiveness
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Enrollment closed
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
The Impact of Blue Light Cystoscopy Use Among Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Patients in an Equal Access Setting: Implications on Recurrence and Time to Recurrence. (PubMed, Clin Genitourin Cancer)
In this study from an equal access setting in the VA, we observed significantly decreased recurrence risk and prolonged time interval to recurrence following BLC vs. WLC alone. There was no difference in bladder cancer outcomes by race.
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)
Antitumor Effect and Induced Immune Response Following Exposure of Hexaminolevulinate and Blue Light in Combination with Checkpoint Inhibitor in an Orthotopic Model of Rat Bladder Cancer. (PubMed, Biomedicines)
In conclusion, our study demonstrated treatment effects with indications of systemic immune activation at diagnostic doses of HAL and blue light. The observed treatment effect seemed to be enhanced when used in combination with intravesically administrated immune checkpoint inhibitor.
Preclinical • Journal • Combination therapy • Checkpoint inhibition • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8)
Cysview (hexaminolevulinate)