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CTNNB1 expression

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Advances in the Diagnosis of Atypical Polypoid Adenomyoma Combining Immunohistochemical and Molecular-Based Approaches: Case Report and Review of the Literature. (PubMed, Curr Issues Mol Biol)
Moreover, the c.94G>T p. (Asp132Tyr) mutation in the CTNNB1 gene was detected. This study supports the combination of appropriate immunohistochemical and molecular markers, along with the presumptive histological diagnosis, and determines the correct classification of the lesion as APA and not as other malignant pathologies, allowing for the establishment of a treatment protocol adjusted to the biological reality of this pathology.
ER (Estrogen receptor) • PGR (Progesterone receptor) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • MLH1 (MutL homolog 1) • MSH6 (MutS homolog 6) • MSH2 (MutS Homolog 2) • PMS2 (PMS1 protein homolog 2) • VIM (Vimentin) • MME (Membrane Metalloendopeptidase)
CTNNB1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
Single-cell spatial mapping reveals alteration of cell type composition and tissue microenvironment during early colorectal cancer formation. (PubMed, bioRxiv)
However, in FAP polyp, CD4+T cells colocalize with the macrophages for T cell activation. Our data are expected to serve as a useful resource for understanding the early stages of neogenesis and the pre-cancer microenvironment, which may benefit early detection, therapeutic intervention and future prevention.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule)
CTNNB1 expression
Cutaneous hybrid cysts with matrical differentiation are mostly sporadic and related to CTNNB1 mutation. (PubMed, Virchows Arch)
Hybrid cysts are rare entities consisting in 4% of the tumors analyzed in our study. Our results suggest that most hybrid cysts occur sporadically and are associated with CTNNB1 somatic mutations.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • APC (APC Regulator Of WNT Signaling Pathway)
APC mutation • CTNNB1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
MIRACOL: Anthocyanin Extract and Phospholipid Curcumin in Colorectal Adenoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P=N/A, N=45, Completed, Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera | Unknown status --> Completed | N=100 --> 45
Trial completion • Enrollment change
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Correlation between CTNNB1 mutation status and tumour phenotype in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. (PubMed, Histopathology)
CTNNB1 mutation was observed in 13% of HBV-related HCCs in this Korean cohort, and was associated with diffuse strong GS expression, nuclear β-catenin expression and classic CTNNB1 morphology.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
MGST1 facilitates novel KRASG12D inhibitor resistance in KRASG12D-mutated pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by inhibiting ferroptosis. (PubMed, Mol Med)
Our data showed that KRASG12D inhibitor MRTX1133 combined with PKF-118-310 could enhance the effectiveness of MRTX1133 treatment response through induction of ferroptosis via inhibiting MGST1 expression in MRTX1133-resistant PDAC cells and tumors. This evidence may provide a promising strategy to overcome KRASG12D inhibitor MRTX1133 resistance in PDAC patients with KRASG12D mutations.
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • TCF4 (Transcription Factor 4)
KRAS mutation • KRAS G12D • CTNNB1 expression
Pancancer analysis of the interactions between CTNNB1 and infiltrating immune cell populations. (PubMed, Medicine (Baltimore))
Additionally, pathway enrichment suggested that NUMB is involved in the Wnt pathway. This study highlights the predictive role of CTNNB1 across cancers, suggesting that CTNNB1 might serve as a potential biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of various malignant tumors.
Journal • Pan tumor • Immune cell
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • RHOA (Ras homolog family member A)
CTNNB1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
High-grade Endometrial Carcinomas With Solid Basaloid Morphology and Geographic Necrosis Lacking Definitive Pilomatrix-like Features: Clinicopathologic Characteristics Including Aggressive Behavior and Novel Molecular Events. (PubMed, Int J Gynecol Pathol)
The single case treated with immunotherapy showed complete and sustained response with regression of bone metastases despite abnormal beta-catenin/CTNNB1, which has been associated with immunotherapeutic resistance. These data suggest that the SB-GN pattern may connote a poor prognosis even in the absence of overt pilomatrix-like differentiation, and that novel molecular events may have implications for the treatment of these tumors.
Journal • IO biomarker
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • FGFR2 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • NOTCH2 (Notch 2) • NOTCH3 (Notch Receptor 3) • CDX2 (Caudal Type Homeobox 2)
CTNNB1 mutation • KRAS A59T • CDX-2 expression • CTNNB1 expression
Lower expressions of MIR34A and MIR31 in colo-rectal cancer are associated with an enriched immune microenvironment. (PubMed, Pathol Res Pract)
Lower MIR34A and MIR31 levels are associated with higher TILs density in CRC. Unlike other cancers where MIR34A has anti-tumour effects, there was no statistically significant correlation between its expression and the pT or TNM stages in this study. Increased TILs being a good prognostic indicator, this suggests MIR34A and MIR31 may help CRC cells evade immune surveillance. Aberrant p53 expression downregulates MIR34A, underscoring the therapeutic potential of miRs.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • MIR21 (MicroRNA 21) • MIR34A (MicroRNA 34a-5p) • MIR31 (MicroRNA 31)
TP53 expression • CTNNB1 expression • miR-34a expression • miR-34a underexpression
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Indexes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Progression and Metastases. (PubMed, Cureus)
These results suggest that EMT-based treatments in TNBC should be designed from a multimarker perspective by including interactions among several markers to optimize predictions and therapeutics. The results hold the potential to set future research directions and actionable outcomes that could influence clinical utility in the battle against TNBC.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PGR (Progesterone receptor) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • VIM (Vimentin)
HER-2 amplification • CDH1 expression • VIM expression • CTNNB1 expression
Comparative immunohistochemical expression of Beta catenin and CD163 between dysplastic / non-dysplastic oral lichen planus and lichenoid lesions (EX-VIVO STUDY). (PubMed, BMC Oral Health)
Evidence of the relationship between beta catenin and M2 macrophages (+ CD163) may enhance the development of macrophage-based strategies for treatment and improve the prognosis of such cases.
Preclinical • Journal
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CD163 (CD163 Molecule)
CD163 expression • CTNNB1 expression
A Ctnnb1 enhancer transcriptionally regulates Wnt signaling dosage to balance homeostasis and tumorigenesis of intestinal epithelia. (PubMed, Elife)
HNF4α and phosphorylated CREB1 were identified as key trans-factors binding to ieCTNNB1 and regulating CTNNB1 transcription. Together, these findings unveil an enhancer-dependent mechanism controlling the dosage of Wnt signaling and homeostasis in intestinal epithelia.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CREB1 (CAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Beta-catenin Alterations in Post-Chemotherapy Yolk Sac Tumor, Postpubertal-Type with Enteroblastic Features. (PubMed, Mod Pathol)
In conclusion, a significant subset of post-chemotherapy YST with glandular/solid architecture and "enteroblastic" phenotype demonstrates beta-catenin alterations, suggesting that activation of Wnt signaling may play a role in the progression of these neoplasms. Moreover, nuclear beta-catenin expression in these tumors represents a potential diagnostic pitfall given that carcinomas of true somatic origin with overlapping morphology may also be positive for this marker.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
The Expression Analysis of Long Non-coding RNAs Related to Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Pancreatic Cancer Patients. (PubMed, Biochem Genet)
Altogether, the present study suggests a role for ZFAS1 and HCG11 lncRNAs and CTNNB1 and IGF2BP1 in the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer. Moreover, the peripheral expression of these lncRNAs may be useful as potential biomarkers for PC.
IGF2BP1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 1) • ZFAS1 (ZNFX1 Antisense RNA 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Class I HDAC inhibitors enhance antitumor efficacy and persistence of CAR-T cells by activation of the Wnt pathway. (PubMed, Cell Rep)
Here, we identify class I histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) as boosters of CAR-T cell function by high-throughput screening of chromatin-modifying drugs, in which M344 and chidamide enhance memory maintenance and resistance to exhaustion of CAR-T cells that induce sustained antitumor efficacy both in vitro and in vivo...Multi-omics analyses from RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, and H3K27ac CUT&Tag-seq show that HDACi upregulate expression of TCF4, LEF1, and CTNNB1, which subsequently activate the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Collectively, our findings elucidate the functional roles of class I HDACi in enhancing CAR-T cell function, which provides the basis and therapeutic targets for synergic combination of CAR-T cell therapy and HDACi treatment.
Journal • CAR T-Cell Therapy • IO biomarker
HDAC1 (Histone Deacetylase 1) • TCF4 (Transcription Factor 4)
CTNNB1 expression
Epidaza (chidamide)
Role of Peroxiredoxin 1 Induced by Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. (PubMed, Anticancer Res)
In NPC cells, PRDX1 and beta-catenin were regulated through LMP2A expression, which reduced cell growth through cell cycle-related gene expression. This study suggests that LMP2A could be a target molecule for inhibiting cancer progression in NPC cells infected with EBV.
CCND1 (Cyclin D1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • PRDX1 (Peroxiredoxin 1) • CCNB1 (Cyclin B1)
CCND1 expression • CTNNB1 expression
Immunoexpression of Ki67, P16 and Beta-catenin in precursor lesions of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. (PubMed, Rom J Morphol Embryol)
The immunoreactivity to the investigated markers confirms the multistage skin carcinogenesis, and their involvement starting from the initiation phase of the cancer process. The importance of the studied markers in the evolution and prognosis of precancerous lesions of CSCC is also supported by the linear correlations revealed between the immunoexpressions of P16, Ki67 and the membranous immunoexpression of Beta-catenin in AK.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Immunohistochemical expression of beta-catenin, BMP4 and TGF-beta in odontomas. (PubMed, Anat Histol Embryol)
Higher immunoexpression in odontomas occurred mainly in the ectomesenchyme. We therefore suggest that changes in the ectomesenchyme can lead to the development of odontomas.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) • BMP4 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4)
CTNNB1 expression
SOX2 Overlapping Transcript (SOX2-OT) Enhances the Lung Cancer Malignancy Through Interaction with miR-194-5p/SOX5 Axis. (PubMed, Iran J Biotechnol)
After using siRNA-SOX2-OT, an increase in the expression of miR-194-5p and a decrease in the expression of B-catenin, SOX5, p-STAT3 activated STAT3, VEGF, and MMP9 proteins was observed. According to the results of the present study, an increase in SOX2-OT in lung cancer seems to stimulate the expression of beta-catenin, SOX5, MMP9, and VEGF thus support the malignancy of lung cancer cells.
STAT3 (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) • SOX2 • MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9) • MIR194 (MicroRNA 194)
CTNNB1 expression • SOX2 expression
A plasma membrane-associated form of the androgen receptor enhances nuclear androgen signaling in osteoblasts and prostate cancer cells. (PubMed, Sci Signal)
Because β-catenin is a master regulator of skeletal homeostasis, these results explain the reported male-specific osteoporotic phenotype of mice lacking PKG2 in osteoblasts and imply that PKG2-dependent AR signaling is essential for maintaining bone mass in vivo. Our results suggest that widely used pharmacological PKG activators, such as sildenafil, could be beneficial for male and estrogen-deficient female patients with osteoporosis but detrimental in patients with prostate cancer.
AR (Androgen receptor) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Histopathological Study and Expression of Beta-Catenin in Congenital Choledochal Cyst in a Tertiary Care Pediatric Referral Center in South India. (PubMed, Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr)
Metaplasia was associated with beta-catenin nuclear positivity. These findings suggest a potential role for beta-catenin as a marker of metaplastic changes in choledochal cysts.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
A reappraisal of transcriptional regulation by NR5A1 and beta-catenin in adrenocortical carcinoma. (PubMed, Front Endocrinol (Lausanne))
NR5A1 and beta-catenin regulate distinct target gene sets in ACC cells. Overall, my analysis suggests a model where NR5A1 overexpression and beta-catenin activation principally act independently, rather than functionally interacting, to drive ACC malignancy.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Cancer predisposition signaling in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome drives Wilms tumor development. (PubMed, Br J Cancer)
While WT predisposition in BWS is well-established, as are 11p15 alterations in nonBWS-WT, this study focused on stratifying tumor genomics by 11p15 status. Further investigation of our findings may identify novel therapeutic targets in WT oncogenesis.
AXL (AXL Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • BCORL1 (BCL6 Corepressor Like 1)
ASXL1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
Canonical Wnt signaling pathway (WSP) alterations in metastatic prostate cancer. (ASCO-GU 2024)
WSP-act prostate cancer demonstrated a pronounced upregulation of ROR1 gene expression, underscoring its potential involvement in the crosstalk between the canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways. Additionally, the augmented levels of M2 macrophages in WSP-act tumors, combined with the reported role of ROR1 in tumor immunosuppression, suggests that ROR1 may contribute to immune evasion in WSP-act mPCa. Our findings may provide rationale for developing novel therapeutic strategies targeting Wnt-activated prostate cancers.
MSi-H Biomarker • Metastases
RNF43 (Ring Finger Protein 43) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • ROR1 (Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Like Orphan Receptor 1) • SPOP (Speckle Type BTB/POZ Protein) • RSPO2 (R-Spondin 2)
MSI-H/dMMR • ROR1 expression • RNF43 mutation • SPOP mutation • RNF43 G659fs • CTNNB1 expression
MI Tumor Seek™
The Effect of Adipocyte-Secreted Factors in Activating Focal Adhesion Kinase-Mediated Cell Signaling Pathway towards Metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
These results indicate that adipocyte-derived secretory factors induced FAK activation through phosphorylation. This in turn increased breast cancer cell migration and invasion by activating its downstream effector proteins beta-catenin and MMP9.
MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9)
CTNNB1 expression
Analysis of tumor biomarkers in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from a phase 1b study of E7386, a CREB-binding protein/β-catenin interaction inhibitor, in combination with lenvatinib. (ASCO-GI 2024)
These exploratory tumor biomarker analyses suggest that E7386 in combination with lenvatinib may affect the tumor microenvironment in HCC pts through effects on Wnt signaling, angiogenesis, hypoxic response, and glycolysis pathways. This concept is the basis for treatment with this combination. However, given the small sample size, further investigation is needed to confirm these effects on the tumor microenvironment.
Clinical • P1 data • Combination therapy • Metastases
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • FGFR1 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1) • PDGFRA (Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) • TERT (Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CREBBP (CREB binding protein) • FLT1 (Fms-related tyrosine kinase 1) • CD31 (Platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1) • PECAM1 (Platelet And Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1)
TP53 mutation • CTNNB1 mutation • TERT mutation • CTNNB1 expression
Lenvima (lenvatinib) • E7386
N-Myc Downstream Regulated Gene-1 May Play an Important Role in the Prognosis of Ovarian Cancer, in Its Association with Beta-Catenin. (PubMed, Kurume Med J)
The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a significant association between the NDRG1 expression level and progression-free survival: high NDRG1 expression was related to poor survival. Our results suggest that the increased expression of NDRG1 is associated with cell adhesion and may be a poor prognostic indicator in women with ovarian cancer.
Retrospective data • Journal
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • NDRG1 (N-Myc Downstream Regulated 1)
CDH1 expression • CTNNB1 expression • NDRG1-H
Modified Bushen Yiqi formula enhances antitumor immunity by reducing the chemotactic recruitment of M2-TAMs and PMN-MDSCs in Lewis lung cancer-bearing mice. (PubMed, J Ethnopharmacol)
Modified Bushen Yiqi formula enhances antitumor immunity in the treatment of lung cancer by reducing the chemotactic recruitment of M2-TAMs and PMN-MDSCs, suggesting its potential as an adjunct therapy to enhance anti-PD-1 responses and improve treatment outcomes. Further research and clinical studies are needed to validate and expand upon these promising findings.
Preclinical • Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CCND1 (Cyclin D1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • CXCR2 (Chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 2)
EGFR expression • CCND1 expression • CTNNB1 expression
Lesser prevalence of polyps/WNT-dysregulation and concomitant upregulation of gamma-catenin/MYC point to alternate pathways in colorectal cancer in India. (PubMed, Mol Carcinog)
Our study provides evidence for limited prevalence of ACS in the Indian ethnicity. Preventive colonoscopies for early identification and management of CRC may not be an effective strategy in this ethnicity.
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
MYC expression • CTNNB1 expression
Imaging, Pathological and Molecular Characteristics of Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 Positive Hepatocellular Carcinoma (RSNA 2023)
Imaging characteristics of PD-L1 positive HCC are arterial phase rim enhancement or heterogenous enhancement and lower ADC value. PD-L1 positive HCC showed higher serum AFP level, higher percentage of poorly differentiated HCC and a positive correlation with p53 expression, indicating aggressive biological natures. *Clinical Relevance/Application: Imaging characteristics of PD-L1 positive HCC with more aggressive natures, namely arterial phase rim enhancement or heterogenous enhancement in dynamic CT and low ADC value will be useful to predict immunotherapy response in personalized medicine.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein)
PD-L1 expression • PD-L1 negative • TP53 expression • CTNNB1 expression
Localization of beta catenin across the domain of odontogenic lesions: A systematic review. (PubMed, J Oral Pathol Med)
High recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst and aggressiveness of solid ameloblastoma and malignant odontogenic tumours could be associated with the nuclear translocation of beta catenin. Disparity between CTNNB1 mutation and beta catenin expression within odontogenic lesions suggests alternate routes of beta catenin activation. The review results support the unique localisation of beta catenin as a helpful diagnostic factor in the pathogenesis of odontogenic lesions.
Review • Journal
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 mutation • CTNNB1 expression
Jin-Fu-An decoction manipulation of macrophage polarization via β-catenin (CTNNB1) synergizes with cisplatin in lung cancer. (PubMed, Biomed Pharmacother)
Our research findings indicate that JFAD has the ability to modulate the transformation of M2 macrophages into M1 macrophages, augment the anticancer efficacy of CDDP, and diminish the expression of cell-related markers in M2 cells. This regulatory effect may potentially be associated with the downregulation of β-catenin expression.
Journal • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CD8 expression • CTNNB1 expression
Germline APC Alterations May Predispose to Testicular Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
In the malignant unclassified TSCSTs, APC inactivation was also interpreted as the most likely driver event, and the germline origin of the variant was inferred using a recently published method. The results of this study suggest that pathogenic germline APC alterations (eg, FAP and variants thereof) may predispose to TSCSTs.
Journal • Stroma
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • APC (APC Regulator Of WNT Signaling Pathway)
APC mutation • CTNNB1 expression
Cordycepin improves sensitivity to temozolomide in glioblastoma cells by down-regulating MYC. (PubMed, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol)
Cordycepin combined with temozolomide may down-regulate MYC through "MicroRNA in cancer, Proteoglycans in cancer, Pathways in cancer and PI3K-AKT signaling pathway", which in turn regulate the expression of MCL1, CTNNB1, MMP9, PDCD4, thus regulating cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis in glioblastoma.
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • CDH2 (Cadherin 2) • MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9) • TWIST1 (Twist Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 1)
MCL1 expression • CDH1 expression • CTNNB1 expression • ZEB1 expression
temozolomide • cordycepin (OVI-123)
Exploring potential targets of HPV&BC based on network pharmacology and urine proteomics. (PubMed, J Pharm Biomed Anal)
AR can target EGFR through its active component (Quercetin), and has a therapeutic effect on HPV_BC patients.
NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • CXCR4 (Chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1) • CXCL12 (C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12) • CASP3 (Caspase 3) • KRT14 (Keratin 14) • MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9) • GSTM1 (Glutathione S-transferase mu 1)
EGFR expression • EGFR overexpression • MYC expression • CTNNB1 expression
GPC3 protein is expressed in a large percentage of HB and FLC tumors, but with variable intensity and distribution. Characterization of GPC3 tumor protein H-score and pattern of immunoreactivity are two independent parameters that may be helpful to quantitate GPC3 immunostaining of tumor and correlate with treatment response to a variety of GPC3 targeted therapeutics.
Clinical • IO biomarker
GPC3 (Glypican 3)
GPC3 expression • CTNNB1 expression • GPC3 positive
Activation of CTNNB1 by deubiquitinase UCHL3-mediated stabilization facilitates bladder cancer progression. (PubMed, J Transl Med)
In summary, we found that UCHL3 is amplified in bladder cancer and functions as a tumor promoter that enhances proliferation and migration of tumor cells in vitro and bladder tumorigenesis and progression in vivo. Furthermore, we revealed that UCHL3 stabilizes CTNNB1 expression, resulting in the activation of the oncogenic Wnt signaling pathway. Therefore, our findings strongly suggest that UCHL3 is a promising therapeutic target for bladder cancer.
CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CTNNB1 expression
Panfollicular carcinoma with perineural invasion (ASDP 2023)
Perineural invasion has not been described previously, and can be a clue to the malignant nature of such tumors. Poster type: Poster Defense
IO biomarker
BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
BCL2 positive • CTNNB1 expression
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasms of the pancreas in childhood and adolescence-an analysis of the German Registry for Rare Pediatric Tumors (STEP). (PubMed, Eur J Pediatr)
SPN of the pancreas in childhood are low-grade malignancies with usually favorable treatment outcomes. However, therapy can lead to relevant long-term sequelae. To prevent recurrence, complete surgical resection is recommended, sparing as much healthy pancreatic tissue as possible. Interdisciplinary collaboration between specialists is essential to optimize treatment. Molecular genetic analysis of these tumors could improve understanding of their genesis.
PGR (Progesterone receptor) • CCND1 (Cyclin D1) • CTNNB1 (Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1)
CCND1 expression • CTNNB1 expression