Immunofixation: lambda IgA. 24-hour monoclonal urinary component: 430 mg. Urinary immunofixation: lambda. Imaging exams (cranial X-ray, CT and MRI) multiple lytic lesions in skull, iliac and vertebral fractures of T9, L4, T12, pathological fractures and extra-osseous soft tissue components in the 4th costal arch on the right and lesion in the right sacral wing . Myelogram with 76.4% of plasma cells with plasmablast morphology. Immunophenotyping with 8.8% plasma cells (CD38+, CD138+, CD45+, CD56 -, CD117 -, lambda +). Bone marrow biopsy: 80 and 90% anaplastic plasma cells. Hyperdiploid complex karyotype with several numerical and structural changes. FISH panel with selected CD138+ cells: Amplification of the CKS1B gene (5 to 7 copies of chromosome 1q), gain of the genes CDKN2C (chromosome 1p), FGFR3 (chromosome 4p), CCND1 (chromosome 11q), MAF (chromosome 16q), region D17Z1 (chromosome 17) and atypical IGH/MAFB t(14;20) gene fusion in approximately 95% of the analyzed nuclei. Diagnosis of double hit multiple myeloma (MM) (mSMART 3.0), IgA lambda, R-ISS: III. The patient started treatment with cyclophosphamide, thalidomide and dexamethasone. Discussion and Conclusion MM is a disease with a heterogeneous course and cytogenetic abnormalities are important to explain the biological behavior of this pathology. The most common genetic abnormalities in MM present in 40-50% of cases are chromosomal translocations involving the IGH gene and copy number variation in chromosomal regions. Translocations involving the IGH gene are primary alterations in the pathology and can be composed of at least 30 partner genes: CCND1 (11q13) 15%, FGFR3 (4p16) 15%, MAF (16q23) 5%, CCND3 (6p21) 2%, 2% MAFB (20q12), MAFA (8q24) 1%. MAFB, C-MAF and MAFA belong to the MAF family, are zipper leucine transcription factors and have gene transactivation and transrepression functions. Studies with a prognostic value of t(14;20) suggest that this finding is a rare event, is correlated with increased regulation of cyclin D2 and resistant to proteosome inhibitors, configuring an unfavorable prognosis and short survival time.