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Chr del(17)(p13.1)

Ibrutinib as an Immune Modulating Agent for Patients With Asymptomatic, High-risk CLL/SLL Risk Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=42, Active, not recruiting, Jennifer Woyach | Trial completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2024
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
Extended Follow up of a Phase 2 Study of Early Intervention with Lenalidomide in Patients with High-Risk Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (ASH 2023)
In this population of pts with CLL with high-risk disease features predictive of need for earlier treatment, LEN resulted in a prolonged time to subsequent therapy, even in cases of LEN discontinuation. The incidence of gr ≥3 INFs and SN were as expected for this population supporting that LEN does not increase risk for these complications.
Clinical • P2 data
IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Copy Number Variations and Gene Mutations Identified by Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification in Romanian Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients. (PubMed, J Pers Med)
Del(13q) is associated with the longest survival rate, while the shortest survival is found in patients with del(17p). Even if MLPA has constraints, it may be used as the primary routine analysis in patients with CLL.
NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • MYD88 (MYD88 Innate Immune Signal Transduction Adaptor) • SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1)
NOTCH1 mutation • Chr del(11q) • MYD88 mutation • SF3B1 mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1) • TS 12
The most common treatment received for COVID-19 (for 32% of patients; 6/19) was sotrovimab. This first IA shows an 81.1% (95% CI, 71.3%–92.4%; n=53) acalabrutinib real-world continuation rate at 12 months in treatment-naïve patients with CLL. Future analyses are aiming at including retrospective data from around 40 clinical sites with approximately 350 eligible patients. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Real world data
Clinical • Observational data
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • ATM (ATM serine/threonine kinase) • IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus)
TP53 mutation • ATM mutation • IGH mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Calquence (acalabrutinib)
Trial primary completion date
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
Prognostic Discrimination within a Heterogeneous Population of TP53-Aberrant Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (ASH 2022)
Median overall survival (OS) was similar among patients with monoallelic TP53-mutant MDS, multi-hit TP53-mutant MDS, and monoallelic TP53-mutant AML (median OS 440 days vs. 437 days vs. 440 days, respectively) (Panel A)... TP53-aberrant MDS and AML comprise a prognostically heterogeneous group of patients with inferior clinical outcomes, though the highest risk subgroup appears to be AML with multi-hit TP53 status or AML with TP53 VAF > 50%. There is high value in determining the allelic state and hit status at the time of diagnosis to help prognosticate and develop a long-term management plan. Allo-HCT improves median OS, though durable MRD-negative remission is rare.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
TP53 mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Obinutuzumab, acalabrutinib, and venetoclax, after an optional debulking with bendamustine in relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL2-BAAG): a multicentre, open-label, phase 2 trial. (PubMed, Lancet Haematol)
With 76% of patients achieving uMRD in peripheral blood, this trial did not reach the prespecified activity threshold. Triple therapy with obinutuzumab, acalabrutinib, and venetoclax after an optional debulking with bendamustine regimen requires further evaluation in larger trials to define its value compared with double treatment with a BTK or BCL2 inhibitor combined with obinutuzumab or a combination of the two oral targeted drugs. Until these trials show a clear benefit, the use of the triple combination in routine practice cannot be recommended.
P2 data • Clinical Trial,Phase II • Journal • IO biomarker
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
TP53 mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Gazyva (obinutuzumab) • Calquence (acalabrutinib) • bendamustine
Enrollment closed
CD20 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A1) • CD19 (CD19 Molecule) • CD5 (CD5 Molecule) • FCER2 (Fc Fragment Of IgE Receptor II)
Chr t(11;14) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Imbruvica (ibrutinib) • Gazyva (obinutuzumab)
Trial suspension
CD20 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A1) • CD19 (CD19 Molecule) • CD5 (CD5 Molecule) • FCER2 (Fc Fragment Of IgE Receptor II)
Chr t(11;14) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Imbruvica (ibrutinib) • Gazyva (obinutuzumab)
Ibrutinib as an Immune Modulating Agent for Patients With Asymptomatic, High-risk CLL/SLL Risk Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=42, Active, not recruiting, Jennifer Woyach | Trial completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2022
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
Investigating the Addition of Ianalumab (VAY736) to Ibrutinib in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) on Ibrutinib Therapy: Results from a Phase Ib Study (ASH 2021)
Although Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors (BTKis; acalabrutinib, ibrutinib) are the current standard of care for CLL, the indefinite length of monotherapy required may result in cumulative clinical or economic toxicity and/or acquired treatment resistance. VAY736 + ibrutinib was well tolerated with an acceptable safety profile enabling dose expansion. Clinical activity was observed including multiple pts attaining uMRD status in blood and BM, allowing 6 to discontinue ibrutinib therapy for an extended period. These data provide clinical evidence of the potent anti-leukemia activity of VAY736 and the potential to safely discontinue ibrutinib or other BTKi by VAY736 add-on therapy.
Clinical • P1 data
IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus) • PLCG2 (Phospholipase C Gamma 2)
Chr del(17)(p13.1) • PLCG2 mutation • BTK C481 • Chr del(13)(q14)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib) • Calquence (acalabrutinib) • ianalumab (VAY736)
Zanubrutinib in Combination with Venetoclax for Patients with Treatment-Naïve (TN) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL) with del(17p): Early Results from Arm D of the SEQUOIA (BGB-3111-304) Trial (ASH 2021)
Preliminary safety data with the 9.7-mo median follow-up suggest that zanubrutinib + venetoclax was generally well tolerated in this high-risk population, with no new safety signals identified and no TLS reported. Enrollment is ongoing; updated safety, efficacy, and biomarker data will be presented.
Clinical • Combination therapy • IO biomarker
BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus)
Chr del(17p) • IGH mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Brukinsa (zanubrutinib)
Ibrutinib as an Immune Modulating Agent for Patients With Asymptomatic, High-risk CLL/SLL Risk Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=42, Active, not recruiting, Jennifer Woyach | Trial completion date: Dec 2020 --> Dec 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2020 --> Dec 2021
Clinical • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
Immunohistochemical staining patterns of p53 predict the mutational status of TP53 in oral epithelial dysplasia. (PubMed, Mod Pathol)
Although the current WHO classification mainly focuses on morphological criteria for the diagnosis of OED, interobserver discrepancy appears in some instances of the OED diagnosis. Our immunohistochemical analysis supports a more accurate pathological diagnosis for OED in cases of low dysplastic changes or of differential diagnosis with non-dysplastic lesions.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
TP53 mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1) • TP53 expression
TP53 mutations with low variant allele frequency predict short survival in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (PubMed, Clin Cancer Res)
TP53 mutations impacted OS irrespective of VAF. This finding can be used to update the definition of TP53 mutated CLL for clinical purposes.
Journal • IO biomarker
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
TP53 mutation • TP53 mutation + Chr del(17p) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
The relationship between oxidative stress and cytogenetic abnormalities in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (PubMed, Exp Mol Pathol)
The results indicate that B-CLL patients experience increased oxidative stress and the relative deficiency of the antioxidant defense system. Increased CD level was independently associated with greater likelihood of harboring CA.
IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1) • Chr del(13)(q14)
Monocytic MDSC as a source of immunosuppressive cytokines in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) microenvironment. (PubMed, Folia Histochem Cytobiol)
In conclusion, we have shown that an increased percentage of M-MDSC cells producing IL-10 and TGF-β1 in CLL patients may be associated with the suppression of the immune response against CLL. It can be assumed that the increased percentage of M-MDSC with an intracellular expression of IL-10 and TGF-β1 may be used in the future as the factor defining the group of patients with shorter time to onset of treatment.
CD38 (CD38 Molecule) • IL10 (Interleukin 10) • CD14 (CD14 Molecule) • ITGAM (Integrin, alpha M) • TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1)
Chr del(17)(p13.1) • CD38 positive • M-MDSCs
[VIRTUAL] Updated Results from the Phase II Study of Orelabrutinib Monotherapy in Chinese Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Cell Leukemia (ASH 2020)
This updated and extended study further confirms that orelabrutinib is efficacious in treating r/r CLL patients with a higher CR rate, durable response and improved safety profiles. As a highly selective BTK inhibitor with favorable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, orelabrutinib provides a favorable therapeutic choice for patients with r/r CLL/SLL and a potential best candidate for combination therapy.
Clinical • P2 data
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus)
TP53 mutation • Chr del(11q) • IGH mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Inokai (orelabrutinib)
[VIRTUAL] Genetic Determinants and Evolutionary History of Richter's Syndrome (ASH 2020)
In conclusion, we identify that RS arises from CLL subclones through distinct mutational trajectories. Further molecular subclassification of RS, including genetic characterization of additional cases, and linking mutational data with clinical outcomes is ongoing and has potential to alter clinical classification and prognostication of RS.
IO biomarker
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • CDK6 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 6) • RECQL4( RecQ Like Helicase 4)
TP53 mutation • NOTCH1 mutation • Chr del(17)(p13.1) • Chr del(13)(q14)
[VIRTUAL] The Copy Number Landscape of Relapsed and Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (ASH 2020)
Introduction Patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are treated with standard frontline immunochemotherapy (R-CHOP)...(2008) Leukemia 22:1440-2446). Further investigation and validation of these events and their corresponding targets will provide insight into the biology of rrDLBCL and may reveal novel therapeutic targets.
IO biomarker
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • CD38 (CD38 Molecule) • CARD11 (Caspase Recruitment Domain Family Member 11) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • GNA12 (G Protein Subunit Alpha 12)
Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Rituxan (rituximab)
Ibrutinib as an Immune Modulating Agent for Patients With Asymptomatic, High-risk CLL/SLL Risk Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=42, Active, not recruiting, Jennifer Woyach | Trial completion date: Nov 2019 --> Dec 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2019 --> Dec 2020
Clinical • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
TP53 (Tumor protein P53)
Chr del(11q) • Chr del(17)(p13.1)
Imbruvica (ibrutinib)