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Chk1 inhibitor

MYC amplification sensitizes TNBC to CHK1 inhibitors. (PubMed, Cell Signal)
Our subsequent results revealed that the novel second-generation CHK1 inhibitor, prexasertib, exhibited a more pronounced inhibitory effect in MYC-overexpressed TNBC cells compared to other DNA damage repair inhibitors, including ATR, WEE1, and PARP inhibitors...In conclusion, our findings demonstrated that MYC overexpression characterizes an aggressive TNBC subtype, enabling synergistic lethality with CHK1 inhibitors. CHK1 inhibitors will be a potential therapeutic strategy in TNBC patients with MYC overexpression.
Journal • PARP Biomarker • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog)
PD-L1 expression • PD-L1 overexpression
prexasertib (ACR-368)
Manganese-coordinated nanoparticles loaded with CHK1 inhibitor dually activate cGAS-STING pathway and enhance efficacy of immune checkpoint therapy. (PubMed, Biomaterials)
In this study, we designed and fabricated manganese-containing nanoparticles loaded with the CHK1 inhibitor PF477736, which were subsequently encapsulated with macrophage membrane (PF/MMSN@MPM)...Moreover, the combination of PF/MMSN@MPM with anti-PD-1 (αPD-1) exhibited a stronger therapeutic effect compared to αPD-1 alone. PF/MMSN@MPM precisely and synergistically activated the cGAS-STING pathway, significantly improving therapeutic efficacy of ICB, and offering promising potential for tumor therapy.
STING (stimulator of interferon response cGAMP interactor 1) • CGAS (Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase)
Targeting Chk1 and Wee1 kinases enhances radiosensitivity of 2D and 3D head and neck cancer models to X-rays and low/high-LET protons. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
Here, we have analysed the response of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines, spheroids and patient-derived organoids to X-rays and proton beam therapy (PBT) in the presence of either a Chk1 (MK-8776) or a Wee1 (MK-1775) inhibitor. We demonstrate that inhibitors of Chk1 or Wee1 can significantly enhance the radiosensitivity of both 2D and 3D models of HNSCC to X-rays and PBT (performed at both low and high ionisation densities), and that this effect is caused through abrogation of the G2/M checkpoint causing the persistence of DSBs. Our results therefore suggest that targeting Chk1 and Wee1 kinases in combination with X-rays and PBT could represent a promising therapeutic avenue to enhance the clinical efficacy of HNSCC treatment.
Preclinical • Journal
CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1)
adavosertib (AZD1775) • MK-8776
A Study of the Drugs Prexasertib, Irinotecan, and Temozolomide in People With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor and Rhabdomyosarcoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=21, Completed, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Active, not recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Sep 2025 --> Feb 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2025 --> Feb 2025
Trial completion • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
temozolomide • irinotecan • prexasertib (ACR-368)
Prexasertib exerts a synergistic effect on the antitumor activity of Lenvatinib through ALOX15-mediated ferroptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. (PubMed, Int Immunopharmacol)
Furthermore, we found that Lenvatinib and Prexasertib cooperatively upregulated ALOX15 expression, which culminated in the induction of ferroptosis. Taken together, our findings suggest the potential application of Prexasertib in combination with Lenvatinib as a promising therapeutic strategy for HCC treatment.
ALOX15 (Arachidonate 15-Lipoxygenase)
Lenvima (lenvatinib) • prexasertib (ACR-368)
Trial completion
gemcitabine • cyclophosphamide • prexasertib (ACR-368) • Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) • Neupogen (filgrastim)
MK-8776 and Olaparib Combination Acts Synergistically in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells, Demonstrating Lack of Adverse Effects on Liver Tissues in Ovarian Cancer PDX Model. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
No changes were observed in corresponding liver tissues using Ki-67 and pCHK staining, which indicates the absence of metastases and a hepatotoxic effect. Thus, our results indicate that the dual inhibition of PARP and CHK1 may prove to be a promising therapeutic approach in the treatment of primary HCC as well as OC tumors without the risk of liver metastases, especially in patients with olaparib-resistant tumor profiles.
Journal • Adverse events • PARP Biomarker
CASP3 (Caspase 3) • CASP7 (Caspase 7)
Lynparza (olaparib) • MK-8776
Targeting Metabolic and Epigenetic Vulnerabilities in Glioblastoma with SN-38 and Rabusertib Combination Therapy. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
A significant obstacle in treating GBM is the expression of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, a DNA repair enzyme that reduces the efficacy of the standard alkylating agent, temozolomide, in about 50% of patients. Reduced intermediates of the glutathione cycle indicated increased cellular stress following combinatorial treatment. Overall, the combination of SN-38 and rabusertib synergistically disrupts metabolites associated with epigenetic adaptations, leading to cytotoxicity independent of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase status, thereby underpinning this combination as a promising candidate for combinatorial therapy in GBM.
CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1)
temozolomide • rabusertib (LY 2603618)
A novel risk model consisting of nine platelet-related gene signatures for predicting prognosis, immune features and drug sensitivity in glioma. (PubMed, Hereditas)
Nine platelet-related prognostic genes identified as prognostic signatures for glioma were closely associated with the TME and may aid in directing the clinical treatment and prognosis of gliomas.
Journal • Gene Signature
KIF20A (Kinesin Family Member 20A) • SULF2 (Sulfatase 2)
PF-477736 modulates vascular smooth muscle cells phenotypic transition through Chk1/p53/CD44 pathway. (PubMed, Tissue Cell)
Our findings show that PF-477736 exerts anti-vascular remodeling effect by inhibiting phenotypic transition through the Chk1/p53/CD44 pathway in VSMCs, providing novel therapeutic strategies for preventing and treating vascular remodeling.
CD44 (CD44 Molecule) • CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1) • VIM (Vimentin) • PCNA (Proliferating cell nuclear antigen)
CD44 expression • VIM expression
Ion channel modulator DPI-201-106 significantly enhances antitumor activity of DNA damage response inhibitors in glioblastoma. (PubMed, Neurooncol Adv)
Combination treatment of DPI-201-106 with the CHK1 inhibitor prexasertib or the PARP inhibitor niraparib demonstrated synergistic effects in multiple patient-derived glioblastoma cells both in vitro and in intracranial xenograft mouse models, extending survival of glioblastoma-bearing mice. DPI-201-106 enhances the efficacy of DDR inhibitors to reduce glioblastoma growth. As these drugs have already been clinically tested in humans, repurposing DPI-201-106 in novel combinatorial approaches will allow for rapid translation into the clinic.
Journal • PARP Biomarker
ANXA5 (Annexin A5)
Zejula (niraparib) • prexasertib (ACR-368)
Low PPP2R2A expression promotes sensitivity to CHK1 inhibition in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. (PubMed, Theranostics)
Our study suggests that PPP2R2A-KD elevates c-Myc-induced RS via upregulation of replication initiation, rendering HGSOC cells reliant on CHK1 for survival, including those resistant to PARP inhibitors. Combined, these results identify PPP2R2A/PP2A B55α as a potential predictive biomarker for CHK1i sensitivity in HGSOC, as well as suggesting it as a therapeutic target to overcome PARP resistance.
Journal • PARP Biomarker
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • PPP2R2A (Protein Phosphatase 2, Regulatory Subunit B, Alpha)
Pharmacoinformatics-based prediction of Checkpoint kinase-1 inhibitors from Momordica charantia Linn. for cancer. (PubMed, Comput Biol Chem)
Among 86 compounds identified from M. charantia L., five molecules such as α-spinasterol (-9.7 kcal × mol-1), stigmasterol (-9.6 kcal × mol-1), stigmasta-7,22,25-trienol (-9.5 kcal × mol-1), campesterol (-9.5 kcal × mol-1), and stigmasta-7,25-dien-3beta-ol (-9.5 kcal × mol-1) and standard drug CCT245737 (-8.3 kcal × mol-1) displayed highest binding affinity with Chk-1...The estimation of binding free-energy derived from molecular docking was fully recognized by the Molecular Mechanics-Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-GBSA) produced from the MD simulation paths. Altogether, these five compounds may serve as effective inhibitors of Chk-1, thereby could be used to develop new medications for cancer treatment.
CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1)
Inhibition of Chk1 with Prexasertib Enhances the Anticancer Activity of Ciclopirox in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. (PubMed, Cells)
This was associated with increased expression of DR4, DR5, Fas, and FADD and decreased expression of survivin, resulting in activation of caspase 8 and caspase 3 as well as cleavage of poly (ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP). Taken together, the results suggest that inhibition of Chk1 with PRE can enhance the anticancer activity of CPX at least partly by decreasing cell proliferation and increasing apoptosis in NSCLC cells.
Journal • PARP Biomarker
CDK4 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 4) • BIRC5 (Baculoviral IAP repeat containing 5) • CDK6 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 6) • CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1) • FADD (Fas associated via death domain) • CASP3 (Caspase 3) • CASP8 (Caspase 8) • CDK2 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 2) • CDC25C (Cell Division Cycle 25C) • CDC25B (Cell Division Cycle 25B) • GNRP (Ras-Specific Guanine Nucleotide-Releasing Factor 1)
BIRC5 expression
prexasertib (ACR-368)
A Study of PEP07 (Checkpoint Kinase 1 Inhibitor) in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=54, Recruiting, PharmaEngine | Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Trial completion date: Dec 2026 --> Aug 2027 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2026 --> Feb 2027
Enrollment open • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Metastases
Tumour-intrinsic PDL1 signals regulate the Chk2 DNA damage response in cancer cells and mediate resistance to Chk1 inhibitors. (PubMed, Mol Cancer)
Our data challenge the prevailing surface PDL1 paradigm, elucidate important and previously unappreciated roles for tumour-intrinsic PDL1 in regulating the ATM/Chk2 DNA damage response axis and E3 ligase-mediated protein degradation, suggest tumour PDL1 as a biomarker for Chk1i efficacy, and support the rapid clinical potential of pharmacologic tumour PDL1 depletion to treat selected cancers.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CHEK2 (Checkpoint kinase 2)
PD-L1 expression
A Study of the Drugs Prexasertib, Irinotecan, and Temozolomide in People With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor and Rhabdomyosarcoma (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=21, Active, not recruiting, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Sep 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2024 --> Sep 2025
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Combination therapy
temozolomide • irinotecan • prexasertib (ACR-368)
A Phase 1/2 Study of SMP-3124LP in Adults with Advanced Solid Tumors (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=120, Recruiting, Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc. | Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
Enrollment open • Metastases
Trial completion date • Combination therapy
gemcitabine • cyclophosphamide • prexasertib (ACR-368) • Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) • Neupogen (filgrastim)
A Phase II Study of ACR-368 and Low Dose Gemcitabine in R/M HNSCC (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=43, Recruiting, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
New P2 trial • Combination therapy • Metastases
gemcitabine • prexasertib (ACR-368)
Development of a Novel CD8+ T Cell-Associated Signature for Prognostic Assessment in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (PubMed, Cancer Control)
The CD8+ T-cell-associated signature is expected to be a tool for optimizing individual patient decision-making and monitoring protocols, and to provide new ideas for treatment and prognostic assessment of HCC.
Retrospective data • Journal • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • IL7R (Interleukin 7 Receptor) • CD7 (CD7 Molecule) • GZMH (Granzyme H) • FABP5 (Fatty Acid Binding Protein 5) • KLRB1 (Killer Cell Lectin Like Receptor B1) • RGS2 (Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 2)
Methylation of FAM110C is a synthetic lethal marker for ATR/CHK1 inhibitors in pancreatic cancer. (PubMed, J Transl Int Med)
Loss of FAM110C expression sensitizes PDAC cells to VE-822 (an ATR inhibitor) and MK-8776 (a CHK1 inhibitor). FAM110C methylation is a potential diagnostic and prognostic marker in PDAC, and its epigenetic silencing sensitizes PDAC cells to ATR/CHK1 inhibitors.
Journal • Synthetic lethality
HMGB1 (High Mobility Group Box 1)
berzosertib (M6620) • MK-8776
A Phase 1/2 Study of SMP-3124LP in Adults With Advanced Solid Tumors (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=120, Not yet recruiting, Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.
New P1/2 trial • Metastases
Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup CA125 response has a high negative predictive value for CHK1 inhibitor RECIST response in recurrent ovarian cancer. (PubMed, Sci Rep)
We investigated the association of CA125 response with prognosis and RECIST response/progressive disease (PD) criteria in recurrent high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) patients treated with a cell cycle checkpoint kinase 1 inhibitor (CHK1i), prexasertib...CA125 PD criteria also showed poor concordance with RECIST PD (PPV 56%, 95% CI: 40-71; NPV 33%, 95% CI: 17-54). Therefore, serum CA125 may be useful as a highly accessible prognostic and predictive biomarker to CHK1i therapy in recurrent HGSOC.
Journal • BRCA Biomarker • PARP Biomarker
BRCA (Breast cancer early onset) • MUC16 (Mucin 16, Cell Surface Associated) • CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1)
prexasertib (ACR-368)
A phase II study of ACR-368 in patients with ovarian (OvCa) or endometrial carcinoma (EnCa) and prospective validation of OncoSignature patient selection (NCT05548296) (ESMO 2024)
BM-negative pts (Arm 2) received ACR-368 at RP2D with ultra-low dose of gemcitabine (ULDG; 10 mg/m2). Initial clinical data from this prospective trial supports the clinical utility of the ACR-368-OncoSignature as a pts selection tool to identify OvCa and EnCa pts sensitive to ACR-368.
P2 data • Clinical
OncoSignature® Test
gemcitabine • prexasertib (ACR-368)
CHK1 inhibitor SRA737 is active in PARP inhibitor resistant and CCNE1 amplified ovarian cancer. (PubMed, iScience)
SRA737 monotherapy in vivo prolonged survival in CCNE1 amp models, suggesting a potential biomarker for CHK1i therapy. Combination SRA737 and PARPi therapy increased tumor regression in both PARPi-resistant and CCNE1 amp patient-derived xenograft models, warranting further study in these HGSOC subgroups.
Journal • BRCA Biomarker • PARP Biomarker
BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • BRCA2 (Breast cancer 2, early onset) • HRD (Homologous Recombination Deficiency) • CCNE1 (Cyclin E1)
A high-throughput approach to identify BRCA1-downregulating compounds to enhance PARP inhibitor sensitivity. (PubMed, iScience)
Three compounds, N-acetyl-N-acetoxy chlorobenzenesulfonamide (NANAC), A-443654, and CHIR-124, were validated to reduce BRCA1 protein levels and sensitize breast cancer cells to the toxic effects of olaparib. These results suggest that BRCA1-HiBiT reporter cells hold promise in developing agents to improve the clinical utility of PARPi.
Journal • BRCA Biomarker • PARP Biomarker
BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset)
Lynparza (olaparib) • CHIR-124 • A 443654
Developing targeted therapies for neuroblastoma by dissecting the effects of metabolic reprogramming on tumor microenvironments and progression. (PubMed, Theranostics)
AZD7762 and etoposide were identified as potent therapeutics against MPS-I and II NB, respectively. This study provides deep insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic reprogramming-mediated malignant progression of NB. It also sheds light on developing targeted medications guided by the novel precise risk prognostication approaches, which could contribute to a significantly improved therapeutic strategy for NB.
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor)
etoposide IV • AZD-7762
A Study of PEP07 (Checkpoint Kinase 1 Inhibitor) in Patients With Advanced Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=32, Recruiting, PharmaEngine | Phase classification: P1b --> P1
Phase classification • Metastases
Mis-splicing of mitotic regulators sensitizes SF3B1-mutated human HSCs to CHK1 inhibition. (PubMed, Blood Cancer Discov)
Clinical CHK1i prexasertib selectively targeted SF3B1-mutant HSCs and abrogated engraftment in vivo. These findings identify mis-splicing of mitotic regulators in SF3B1-mutant HSCs as a targetable vulnerability engaged by pharmacological CHK1 inhibition.
SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • BUB1B (BUB1 Mitotic Checkpoint Serine/Threonine Kinase B) • CDC27 (Cell Division Cycle 27)
prexasertib (ACR-368)
Precise nano-system-based drug delivery and synergistic therapy against androgen receptor-positive triple-negative breast cancer. (PubMed, Acta Pharm Sin B)
HMnE&M@H repressed tumor growth more obviously than the simple addition of enzalutamide and MK-8776 without a carrier. Collectively, our study elucidated the synergy of enzalutamide and MK-8776 in TNBC and developed a novel tumor-targeted nano drug delivery system HMnE&M@H, providing a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of TNBC.
AR (Androgen receptor)
Xtandi (enzalutamide) • MK-8776
The thioredoxin system determines CHK1 inhibitor sensitivity via redox-mediated regulation of ribonucleotide reductase activity. (PubMed, Nat Commun)
Further, the TrxR inhibitor auranofin, an approved anti-rheumatoid arthritis drug, shows a synergistic interaction with CHK1i via interruption of the deoxynucleotide pool. Together, we show a pharmacological combination to treat NSCLC that relies on a redox regulatory link between the Trx system and mammalian RNR activity.
RRM1 (Ribonucleotide Reductase Catalytic Subunit M1)
Construction of a Novel MitochondriaAssociated Gene Model for Assessing ESCC Immune Microenvironment and Predicting Survival. (PubMed, J Microbiol Biotechnol)
AZD1332 and AZD7762 were more effective for patients in the low-risk group, whereas Entinostat, Nilotinib, Ruxolutinib, and Wnt.c59 were more effective for patients in the high-risk group. Knockdown of TYMS significantly inhibited the proliferation and invasive ability of ESCC cells in vitro. Overall, our MAR model provides stable and reliable results and may be used as a prognostic biomarker for personalized treatment of patients with ESCC.
TYMS (Thymidylate Synthetase)
Tasigna (nilotinib) • Jingzhuda (entinostat) • AZD-7762
The CHK1 inhibitor prexasertib in BRCA wild-type platinum-resistant recurrent high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: a phase 2 trial. (PubMed, Nat Commun)
Subsequent preclinical experiments demonstrated significant cytotoxicity of POLA1 silencing in combination with CHK1i in platinum-resistant HGSOC cell line models. Therefore, POLA1 expression may be predictive for CHK1i resistance, and the concurrent POLA1 inhibition may improve the efficacy of CHK1i monotherapy in this hard-to-treat population, deserving further investigation.
P2 data • Journal • BRCA Biomarker
BRCA (Breast cancer early onset) • POLA1 (DNA Polymerase Alpha 1)
BRCA wild-type
prexasertib (ACR-368)
Characterization of Mitoribosomal Small Subunit unit genes related immune and pharmacogenomic landscapes in renal cell carcinoma. (PubMed, IUBMB Life)
Through in silico screening of 2183 drug targets and 1646 compounds, we identified two targets (RRM2 and OPRD1) and eight agents (AZ960, carmustine, lasalocid, SGI-1776, AZD8055_1059, BPD.00008900_1998, MK.8776_2046, and XAV939_1268) with potential therapeutic implications for high-MRPScore patients. Indeed, a high MRPScore profile appears to elevate the risk of tumor progression and mortality, potentially through its influence on immune regulation. This suggests that the MRPS-related risk model holds promise as a prognostic predictor and may offer novel insights into personalized therapeutic strategies.
Journal • IO biomarker
RRM2 (Ribonucleotide Reductase Regulatory Subunit M2)
carmustine • AZD8055 • MK-8776
A Study of LY2880070 in Participants With Advanced or Metastatic Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=229, Recruiting, Esperas Pharma Inc. | Phase classification: P1b/2a --> P1/2
Phase classification • Combination therapy • Metastases
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • ER (Estrogen receptor) • PGR (Progesterone receptor)
HER-2 negative • ER expression
gemcitabine • ESP-01
Trial completion date • Combination therapy
gemcitabine • cyclophosphamide • prexasertib (ACR-368) • Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) • Neupogen (filgrastim)
A Study of LY2880070 and Gemcitabine in People With Ewing Sarcoma,Ewing-Like Sarcoma, and Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=24, Recruiting, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Trial completion date: Mar 2024 --> Mar 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2024 --> Mar 2025
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Combination therapy
WT1 (WT1 Transcription Factor) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • EWSR1 (EWS RNA Binding Protein 1) • ETV1 (ETS Variant Transcription Factor 1) • FLI1 (Fli-1 Proto-Oncogene ETS Transcription Factor) • ETV4 (ETS Variant Transcription Factor 4)
EWSR1-WT1 fusion
gemcitabine • ESP-01
Inhibition of Chk1 stimulates cytotoxic action of platinum-based drugs and TRAIL combination in human prostate cancer cells. (PubMed, Biol Chem)
Here we newly demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of Chk1 using potent and selective inhibitor SCH900776, currently profiled in phase II clinical trials, significantly enhances cytotoxic effects of the combination of platinum-based drugs (cisplatin or LA-12) and TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand) in human prostate cancer cells. The triple drug combination-induced cytotoxicity was partially enhanced by siRNA-mediated Mcl-1 silencing. Our findings suggest that targeting Chk1 may be used as an efficient strategy for sensitization of prostate cancer cells to killing action of platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs and TRAIL.
CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1)
cisplatin • MK-8776
Acrivon predictive precision proteomics (AP3) uncovers mechanism of resistance to ACR-368, a clinical-stage CHK1/2 inhibitor, and identifies rational combination treatment (AACR 2024)
Here, we demonstrate the utility of AP3 for the identification of a key druggable resistance mechanism to ACR-368 and how to overcome that with low dose gemcitabine (gem), providing OncoSignature negative patients with a new potential therapeutic option. These data supported a dose escalation Phase 1b/2 clinical study of low dose gem with ACR-368 to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combination in ACR-368 OncoSignature negative patients (NCT05548296). This shows the potential of AP3 for unbiased elucidation of actionable drug resistance mechanisms and rapid clinical implementation in our trials, which have recently confirmed clinical activity.
OncoSignature® Test
gemcitabine • prexasertib (ACR-368)
POTENTIATE: Study of the CHK1 Inhibitor BBI-355, an ecDNA-directed Therapy (ecDTx), in Subjects With Tumors With Oncogene Amplifications (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=150, Recruiting, Boundless Bio | Phase classification: P1/2 --> P1 | N=47 --> 150 | Trial completion date: Jan 2026 --> Sep 2027 | Trial primary completion date: Jan 2025 --> Sep 2026
Phase classification • Enrollment change • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Combination therapy • Metastases
erlotinib • Lytgobi (futibatinib)
Actin filament-associated protein 1-antisense RNA1 promotes the development and invasion of tongue squamous cell carcinoma via the AFAP1-AS1/miR-133a-5p/ZIC2 axis. (PubMed, J Gene Med)
The upregulation of lncRNA AFAP1-AS1, which increases TSCC cell viability, migration, proliferation and invasion via the AFAP1-AS1/miR-133a-5p/ZIC2 axis, aids in the progression of TSCC.
AFAP1-AS1 (AFAP1 Antisense RNA 1) • ZIC2 (Zic Family Member 2)
AFAP1-AS1 overexpression
docetaxel • Tasigna (nilotinib) • fexagratinib (ABSK091) • AZD-7762