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CD9 expression

Other names: CD9, BA2, MIC3, MRP-1, P24, TSPAN29
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Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell exosomes suppress JAK/STAT signaling pathway in acute myeloid leukemia in vitro. (PubMed, Blood Res)
Since JAK/STAT signaling contributes to AML survival, our findings suggest that the downregulation of JAK/STAT genes by BM-MSC exosomes in leukemic cells may aid in designing a potent therapeutic strategy for AML treatment.
Preclinical • Journal
JAK2 (Janus kinase 2) • STAT3 (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • STAT5A (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Journal • Surgery
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
HER-2 positive • HER-2 expression • CD9 expression
Bioinformatics investigation of the prognostic value and mechanistic role of CD9 in glioma. (PubMed, Sci Rep)
Further, several marker genes, such as VEGFR-2, TGF-β1, CASP1 and PI3K, were down regulated in CD9 knockdown cell lines and up regulated in CD9 overexpression cell lines, compared with control cell line. This study preliminarily explores the role of CD9 in gliomas and its prognostic value, providing new insights for personalized treatment strategies in glioma therapy.
Journal • IO biomarker
KDR (Kinase insert domain receptor) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) • CASP1 (Caspase 1)
CD9 expression
Resting natural killer cells promote the progress of colon cancer liver metastasis by elevating tumor-derived stem cell factor. (PubMed, Elife)
Functional experiments finally revealed that NK cells exhibited tumor-activating characteristics by promoting the dissociation of SCF (stem cell factor) on the tumor cells membrane depending on cell-to-cell interaction, as the supernatant of the co-culture system enhanced tumor progression. In summary, our findings revealed resting NK cells exhibited a clinical relevance with CCLM, which may be exploited for novel strategies to improve therapeutic outcomes for patients with CCLM.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • GZMK (Granzyme K)
CD9 expression
Aged fibroblast-derived extracellular vesicles promote angiogenesis in melanoma. (PubMed, Cell Rep)
Analysis of primary endothelial cells confirmed increased sprouting under CD9 KD conditions. Together, our data indicate that aged EVs play an important role in promoting a tumor-permissive microenvironment.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Breast Cancer With Release of Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood Mimicking Acute Myeloid Leukemia. (PubMed, J Hematol)
The FC analysis of the peripheral blood allowed the rapid characterization of a non-hematological neoplastic cell population, circulating at unusually high frequency and mimicking an acute myeloid leukemia. The FC detection of CD45-negative cell populations in peripheral blood, bone marrow or lymph node aspirate should prompt the setup of an immunophenotyping panel including EpCAM, CD9, CD56 and CD117, to allow for a rapid and accurate identification of ectopic malignant epithelial cells.
Journal • IO biomarker • Tumor cell
KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • CD38 (CD38 Molecule) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • PTPRC (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type C) • NCAM1 (Neural cell adhesion molecule 1) • EPCAM (Epithelial cell adhesion molecule) • SDC1 (Syndecan 1) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • TFRC
CD38 positive • NCAM1 expression • CD9 expression • SDC1 positive • EPCAM expression
Effects of gelatin methacrylate anhydride hydrogel loaded with small extracellular vesicles derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of full-thickness skin defect wounds in mice (PubMed, Zhonghua Shao Shang Yu Chuang Mian Xiu Fu Za Zhi)
hUCMSCs-sEVs can promote the migration and proliferation of HEKs, HDFs, and HUVECs which are related to skin wound healing, and slowly release in GelMA hydrogel. The hUCMSC-sEV/GelMA hydrogel as a wound dressing can significantly improve the healing speed of full-thickness skin defect wounds in mice.
Preclinical • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • TSG101 (Tumor Susceptibility 101)
CD9 expression
CD9 shapes glucocorticoid sensitivity in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (PubMed, Haematologica)
Here, we showed that CD9- BCP-ALL cells were preferentially resistant to prednisone and dexamethasone over other standard cytotoxic agents. Importantly, the MEK inhibitor trametinib exhibited higher synergy with GCs against CD9- than CD9+ lymphoblasts to reverse drug resistance in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, our results elucidate a previously unrecognized regulatory function of CD9 in GC sensitivity, and inform new strategies for management of children with resistant BCP-ALL.
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • BCR (BCR Activator Of RhoGEF And GTPase) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Mekinist (trametinib) • prednisone • dexamethasone
High expression of CD9 and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor promotes the development of tongue cancer. (PubMed, Med Oncol)
Overexpression of CD9 due to hypoxic conditions leads to the activation of EGFR-signaling pathway resulting in cancer progression, resistance to chemotherapy. Hence, CD9 could be a potential target to suppress cancer progression.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
EGFR expression • CD9 expression
The role of Tetraspanins in digestive system tumor development: update and emerging evidence. (PubMed, Front Cell Dev Biol)
We also summarize the potential role of Tspans as novel immunotherapy targets and as an approach to overcome drug resistance. Finally, we discuss the potential clinical value and therapeutic targets of Tspans in the treatments of digestive system malignancies and provide some guidance for future research.
Review • Journal • IO biomarker
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CD151 (CD151 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Exosome inhibition improves response to first-line therapy in small cell lung cancer. (PubMed, J Cell Mol Med)
We used a combination treatment strategy of cisplatin/etoposide plus GW4869 or Nexinhib20 on small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines. We also found increased p53 and p21 expressions with western blot and significantly changing Bax, BCL2, caspase-3 and caspase-9 expressions. Inhibiting the exosome pathway offers opportunities for developing novel, effective treatment strategies for SCLC.
Journal • IO biomarker
BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • BAX (BCL2-associated X protein) • CASP3 (Caspase 3) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CASP9 (Caspase 9) • CDKN1A (Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A) • RAB27A (RAB27A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) • TSG101 (Tumor Susceptibility 101)
CD9 expression
cisplatin • etoposide IV
Subclassification of B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to age, immunophenotype and microenvironment, predicts MRD risk in Mexican children from vulnerable regions. (PubMed, Front Oncol)
Rigorous research on potential enhancing factors, environmental or lifestyle, is crucial for its detection and prevention. The use of the reported profile for early risk stratification is suggested.
Journal • IO biomarker
CD20 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A1) • CD123 (Interleukin 3 Receptor Subunit Alpha) • CD33 (CD33 Molecule) • IDO1 (Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • CD24 (CD24 Molecule) • CXCL11 (C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 11) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • IL3RA (Interleukin 3 Receptor Subunit Alpha) • ANPEP (Alanyl Aminopeptidase, Membrane) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
IDO1 expression • CD9 expression
M-CSF secreted by gastric cancer cells exacerbates the progression of gastric cancer by increasing the expression of SHP2 in tumor-associated macrophages. (PubMed, Aging (Albany NY))
M-CSF secreted by gastric cancer cells can promote the proliferation, invasion and migration of gastric cancer cells by increasing the expression of SHP2 in TAMs.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-1 (Programmed cell death 1) • STAT3 (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) • CSF1 (Colony stimulating factor 1) • LYN (LYN Proto-Oncogene Src Family Tyrosine Kinase) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • SOCS1 (Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling 1) • MMP1 (Matrix metallopeptidase 1) • MMP3 (Matrix metallopeptidase 3) • PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-kinases) • TBK1 (TANK Binding Kinase 1) • TSG101 (Tumor Susceptibility 101)
CD9 expression
Immunophenotypic portrait of leukemia-associated-phenotype markers in B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (PubMed, Cytometry B Clin Cytom)
The complexity of the phenotypic signature of lymphoblasts at diagnosis of B ALL is illustrated by the variability in the expression of LAP antigens. Knowledge of the expression levels of these markers in normal leukocytes and during normal B differentiation is crucial for an optimal interpretation of diagnostic cytometry results and serves as a basis for the biological follow-up of B ALL.
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • BCR (BCR Activator Of RhoGEF And GTPase) • CD123 (Interleukin 3 Receptor Subunit Alpha) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CD58 (CD58 Molecule) • CEACAM6 (CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 6) • IL3RA (Interleukin 3 Receptor Subunit Alpha) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression • CD123 expression • CD123 overexpression • CD5 overexpression
Prognostic implications of CD9 in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: insights from a nationwide multicenter study in China. (PubMed, Leukemia)
Multivariate analyses confirmed CD9 as an independent predictor of both events and relapse. The measurement of CD9 offers insights into patients necessitating intervention, warranting its seamless integration into the diagnostic marker panel to inform risk level and timely introduction of therapeutic intervention for childhood ALL.
Clinical • Journal
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • KMT2A (Lysine Methyltransferase 2A) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
MLL rearrangement • CD9 expression
Microwave Ablation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Dynamics of Extracellular Vesicles and Immunological Response (RSNA 2023)
EV surface expressions correlated with cytokine levels in pre-interventional HCC patients showed a CD4+ TH1 response, associated with CD44 expression. *Clinical Relevance/Application: EV surface expressions can be used as a prognostic parameter in MWA of HCC.
IO biomarker
CD20 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A1) • CD19 (CD19 Molecule) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • IL6 (Interleukin 6) • CD44 (CD44 Molecule) • IL2 (Interleukin 2) • CD24 (CD24 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • IL17A (Interleukin 17A) • CD40 (CD40 Molecule) • CD86 (CD86 Molecule)
CD19 expression • CD44 expression • CD9 expression • CD44 underexpression
Non-Neoplastic Plasma EV Subpopulations Correlate with Tumor Size and Overall Survival in Glioblastoma Independent of Steroid Usage (SNO 2023)
ConclusionDifferentially expressed non-neoplastic plasma EV subpopulations have significant clinical relevance in GBM including association with tumor volume and predicting survival. Validation of those markers in larger cohorts could reveal new prognostic biomarkers for GBM.
MGMT (6-O-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase) • PTPRC (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type C) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • ITGAM (Integrin, alpha M) • CD31 (Platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1) • PECAM1 (Platelet And Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
The Tetraspanin CD9 Shapes Glucocorticoid Sensitivity in Pediatric B-Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ASH 2023)
Ex vivo drug sensitivity profiling to prednisone (Pred) and dexamethasone (Dex) was performed on 6 BCP-ALL cell lines and 18 patient samples with differential CD9 expression. This study provides a definitive linkage of CD9 with GC sensitivity in childhood BCP-ALL mediated through a NR3C1-independent mechanism. CD9- cases could be prone to trametinib combination therapy, whereas CD9+ cases might need a third drug such as ruxolitinib to counteract GC resistance.
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • BCR (BCR Activator Of RhoGEF And GTPase) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • AKAP13 (A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 13)
CD9 expression
Mekinist (trametinib) • Jakafi (ruxolitinib) • prednisone • dexamethasone
Prognostic Features of CD9 in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia – a Retrospective Analysis of a Nation-Wide Multicenter Study in China (ASH 2023)
This is the largest study to evaluate the significance of CD9 in childhood ALL. We confirmed the results of our previous single-center study with this multicenter national study. CD9 positivity is definitively associated with a higher relapse probability particularly for patients with intermediate/high risk diseases, MRD positivity or specific cytogenetic background.
Retrospective data
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • BCR (BCR Activator Of RhoGEF And GTPase) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Epigenetic Silencing of CD9 Shapes a New Mechanism to Render Differentiation Block and Immune Evasion in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (ASH 2023)
Exposure of CD9- AML cell lines (n=8) or samples (n=9) to the histone deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat significantly elevated CD9 mRNA and protein expression (3.1-32.2-fold, P<0.05), restored activating histone acetylation marks (4.1-41.6-fold, P<0.05), and potently suppressed myeloblast proliferation ex vivo (median IC50: 21.4 nM)...In NSG mice, co-transplantation of human PBMCs mounted an effective immunity against CD9+ but not CD9- AML (MV4-11 and MOLM-13, P<0.05), concomitant with a robust bone marrow infiltration of cytotoxic T cells. Taken together, our data provided molecular, cellular and clinical evidence showing the plausible function of CD9 as a key driver intertwining monocytic differentiation and immune recognition in pediatric AML, and inspired a new combinatorial epigenetic/immunotherapy for this rare but aggressive malignancy.
Clinical • IO biomarker
JAK2 (Janus kinase 2) • IFNG (Interferon, gamma) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • CD36 (thrombospondin receptor) • CD14 (CD14 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • STAT5A (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A) • CD86 (CD86 Molecule)
IFNG expression • CD9 expression
Farydak (panobinostat)
CD38 Is a Functional Partner of CD9 in B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ASH 2023)
This work presents the composition of the CD9 protein web in BCP-ALL, revealing homogenous and heterogeneous partners across the leukemia subtypes. We also provide definitive evidence showing that CD9 binds to and regulates CD38 activity to mediate leukemia progression, representing the first universal protein partner being identified to have a functional consequence in BCP-ALL, thereby providing a mechanistic basis to support the development of CD9-targeted therapies for this life-threatening malignancy.
IO biomarker
ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • BCR (BCR Activator Of RhoGEF And GTPase) • KMT2A (Lysine Methyltransferase 2A) • AFF1 (AF4/FMR2 Family Member 1) • TCF3 (Transcription Factor 3) • PBX1 (PBX Homeobox 1) • ANXA1 (Annexin A1) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • ANXA11 (Annexin A11) • ADAM10 (ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 10) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Our results identify an NK population susceptible sensitive to the fibrotic niche, a role for the IL27 and Rho signalling pathways in fibrosis-associated vascular remodelling and suggest a multi-cell-type source of extracellular matrix components. These results constitute the most extensive single-cell transcriptomic profiling of T-lymphocytes of human NASH.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Identifying Treatment Resistance Related Pathways by Analyzing Serum Extracellular Vesicles of Patients With Resistant Versus Regressed Retinoblastoma. (PubMed, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci)
CD9, CD63, and CD81 mRNA levels were high in RB tumors versus control retina, with increased and variable CD9 immunoreactivity in the invasive areas of the tumor. Serum sEVs could serve as a potential liquid biopsy source for understanding TR mechanisms in RB.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CX3CL1 (C-X3-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 1) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule) • USP46 (Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 46)
CD9 expression • RB1 negative
Dynamics of Extracellular Vesicles and Immunological Response after Microwave Ablation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (ESSO 2023)
Overall, a CD4+ TH1 response, associated with CD44 expression was observed in pre- interventional HCC patients. Regarding the postinterventional phase, the underlying results suggest an activation of Treg cells in HCC and TH2 cells in NHCC patients.
IO biomarker
CD20 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A1) • CD19 (CD19 Molecule) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • IL6 (Interleukin 6) • CD44 (CD44 Molecule) • IL2 (Interleukin 2) • CD24 (CD24 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • IL17A (Interleukin 17A) • CD40 (CD40 Molecule) • CD86 (CD86 Molecule)
CD19 expression • CD44 expression • CD9 expression • CD44 underexpression
Prognostic significance of tetraspanin CD9 and oncogenic epidermal growth factor receptor in tongue squamous cell carcinoma survival. (PubMed, Pathol Res Pract)
Overall a poor rate of survival was observed in CD9 positive patients(p < 0.039). EGFR and p-Akt expression increased with increasing expression of CD9, suggesting its use as a biomarker to track the development of TSCC.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
EGFR expression • CD9 expression
Single-cell trajectory analysis reveals a CD9 positive state to contribute to exit from stem cell-like and embryonic diapause states and transit to drug-resistant states. (PubMed, Cell Death Discov)
Importantly, CD9 knockdown or blockade sensitized SUM149 to JQ1 in vivo by trapping cells in the SCLED state and limiting transit to resistant cell states. Thus, CD9 appears to be critical for the transition from a SCLED state into treatment-resistant cell states and warrants exploration as a therapeutic target in basal-like breast cancer.
Review • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Novel NUTM1 Fusions in Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Monocytic Differentiation (Selected for Oral Presentation, O-03-04) (AMP Europe 2023)
Here we report two AML patients with monocytic features that presented with relapsed/refractory (R/R) disease with no response either to transplant or navitoclax/venetoclax plus decitabine therapy. The first case has been transplanted; however, it relapsed 120 days post-transplant with a chimerism of 20%. The second case has shown R/R AML since the initial diagnosis. Additionally, the novel AVEN::NUTM1 fusion case reported in the literature, relapsed post-chemotherapy and was minimal residual disease positive 3 months after transplant with DNA sequencing detecting IDH1 and RUNX1 mutations.
IO biomarker
IDH1 (Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 1) • IDH2 (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2) • DNMT3A (DNA methyltransferase 1) • RUNX1 (RUNX Family Transcription Factor 1) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • TET2 (Tet Methylcytosine Dioxygenase 2) • CD38 (CD38 Molecule) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • CD123 (Interleukin 3 Receptor Subunit Alpha) • CD33 (CD33 Molecule) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • PTPRC (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type C) • NCAM1 (Neural cell adhesion molecule 1) • CD14 (CD14 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • ITGAM (Integrin, alpha M) • ITGAX (Integrin Subunit Alpha X) • NUTM1 (NUT Midline Carcinoma Family Member 1) • ANPEP (Alanyl Aminopeptidase, Membrane)
RUNX1 mutation • ASXL1 mutation • TET2 mutation • CD9 expression • CD4 expression
Venclexta (venetoclax) • decitabine • navitoclax (ABT 263)
Immunoregulatory role of extracellular vesicles in advanced non small cell lung cancer (EACR 2023)
Proteomic analysis will improve the cargo characterization of patient-EVs and potentially find other biomarkers. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of EV subpopulations in immune response modulation in lung cancer.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker • Metastases
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • PTPRC (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type C) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • GZMB (Granzyme B) • MIR142 (MicroRNA 142) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
PD-L1 expression • CD9 expression • PD-L1-L
Prognostic value and multifaceted roles of tetraspanin CD9 in cancer. (PubMed, Front Oncol)
According to in vitro and in vivo studies, tetraspanin CD9 is not clearly associated with either tumor suppression or promotion. Further mechanistic experiments will elucidate the role of CD9 in particular cancer types and specific conditions.
Review • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Systems prediction of chronic lung allograft dysfunction: Results and perspectives from the Cohort of Lung Transplantation and Systems prediction of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction cohorts. (PubMed, Front Med (Lausanne))
Systems prediction of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction generated multiple fingerprints that enabled the development of predictors of CLAD. These results open the way to the integration of these fingerprints into a predictive handprint.
Review • Journal
CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • IL17A (Interleukin 17A) • MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9) • B3GAT1 (Beta-1,3-Glucuronyltransferase 1)
CD9 expression
Isolation and proteomic profiling of urinary exosomes from patients with colorectal cancer. (PubMed, Proteome Sci)
Significant changes of proteomic profile could be found in the urinary exosomes in the CRC patients. The differential expressed urinary exosomes derived proteins showed potential usage in diagnosis and prognosis of CRC.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CEACAM1 (CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Tissue Biomarkers Predicting Lymph Node Status in Cutaneous Melanoma. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
Lastly, LYVE-1 and D2-40 allow an easier assessment of lymph vascular invasion, which can be considered a good predictor of SLN status. In conclusion, biomarkers to assess the lymph node status of cutaneous melanoma patients may play an important role in those cases where the clinician is in doubt whether or not to perform SLN biopsy.
Review • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • LYVE1 (Lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1)
CD9 expression
CD9-positive Exosomes Derived from Cancer-associated Fibroblasts Might Inhibit the Proliferation of Malignant Melanoma Cells. (PubMed, Anticancer Res)
CAF-derived exosomes, especially CD9-positive exosomes, have an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of malignant melanoma cells. These findings suggest that CD9 expression in CAFs is a promising prognostic marker for patients with malignant melanoma.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Hypoxia regulates CD9 expression and dissemination of B lymphoblasts. (PubMed, Leuk Res)
Mouse xenograft experiments indicate that HIF1α signaling pathway promotes ALL cells engraftment in a CD9-dependent manner. The present work increments our understanding of CD9 implication in ALL pathogenesis.
HIF1A (Hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit) • CXCL12 (C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression • HIF1A expression
In vivo expansion of a CD9 decidual-like NK cell subset following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (PubMed, iScience)
By using multiparametric flow cytometry, we confirmed the expansion of NK cells expressing CD9 immediately after autoHSCT, which exhibited higher granzyme B and perforin expression levels than CD9 NK cells. These results provide insights into the physiopathology of NK cells during their reconstitution after autoHSCT.
Preclinical • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • GZMB (Granzyme B) • PRF1 (Perforin 1)
CD9 expression
Tetraspanin molecule CD9 as a novel marker of tumor-reactive T cells (SITC 2022)
Our data strongly indicate that tetraspanin molecules play unexpected roles in the interaction of T cells with tumor, although further analysis is required. Finally, we hope that these findings would be useful for development of an effective personalized cancer immunotherapy in near future.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • PD-1 (Programmed cell death 1) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Naturally Equipped Urinary Exosomes Coated Poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-Poly (D, L-lactide) Nanocarriers for the Pre-Clinical Translation of Breast Cancer. (PubMed, Bioengineering (Basel))
The cytotoxic agent doxorubicin (DOX)-loaded UEPP (UEPP-D) NPs with an initial particle size of 61.5 nm showed a burst release under acidic condition mimicking the tumor microenvironment...Finally, UEPP-D NPs showed a markedly higher antitumor efficacy and lower side-toxicity in MCF-7 tumor bearing nude mice model. Thus, this versatile nano-system with immune escape, homologous targeting, and rapid response release characteristics could be a promising tool for breast cancer treatment.
Preclinical • Journal
CD47 (CD47 Molecule) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
doxorubicin hydrochloride
Effect of CB2 Stimulation on Gene Expression in Pediatric B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: New Possible Targets. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
CB2 stimulation reduces the expression of CD9, SEC61G, TBX21, and TMSB4X genes involved in tumor growth and progression, and also negatively affects downstream intracellular pathways. Our findings suggest an antitumor role of CB2 stimulation in B-ALL, and highlight a functional correlation between CB2 receptors and specific anti-tumoral pathways, even though further investigations are needed.
Journal • IO biomarker
CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • TBX21 (T-Box Transcription Factor 21) • SEC61G (SEC61 Translocon Subunit Gamma)
CD9 expression
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy endows CD9 with prognostic value that differs between tumor and stromal areas in patients with pancreatic cancer. (PubMed, J Clin Lab Anal)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy endows CD9 with a significant prognostic value that differs between tumor and stromal areas in patients with pancreatic cancer.
Retrospective data • Journal
CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Tetraspanin CD9 Expression Predicts Sentinel Node Status in Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
The presence of CD9 hotspots could be essential for melanoma cell invasion in lymphatic and endothelial vessels. CD9 could be a valid prognostic factor for lymph node metastasis risk.
CD9 (CD9 Molecule)
CD9 expression
Exposure of CD9- AML cell lines (n=8) or samples (n=9) to panobinostat significantly elevated CD9 mRNA and protein expression (3.1-32.2-fold, P <0.05), and restored activating histone acetylation marks (4.1-41.6-fold, P <0.05)...In NSG mice, co-transplantation of human PBMCs mounted an effective immunity against CD9+ but not CD9- AML (MV4-11 and MOLM-13), concomitant with a robust bone marrow infiltration of cytotoxic T cells. Conclusion Our data provided molecular, cellular and clinical evidence showing the plausible function of CD9 as a key driver intertwining differentiation and immune recognition in pediatric AML, and inspired a new combinatorial epigenetic/immunotherapy for this rare but aggressive malignancy.
Clinical • IO biomarker
JAK2 (Janus kinase 2) • IFNG (Interferon, gamma) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • STAT5A (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A)
IFNG expression • CD9 expression
Farydak (panobinostat)