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CD70 overexpression

Other names: CD70, CD27L, CD27LG, TNFSF7
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Related biomarkers:
Immunoinformatics Approach to Design a Chimeric CD70-Peptide Vaccine against Renal Cell Carcinoma. (PubMed, J Immunol Res)
However, validation through in vitro and in vivo experiments is necessary. This trial is registered with NCT04696731 and NCT04046445.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • CD70 (CD70 Molecule)
CD70 overexpression
Discovery and Development of CD70 As a Cellular Therapy Target in High Risk Multiple Myeloma (ASH 2023)
Finally, we also demonstrated that treatment with the hypomethylating agent azacytidine can drive increased CD70 expression, similar to that shown in AML models. Taken together, targeting CD70 appears to be a highly promising cellular therapeutic strategy for MM, with particularly high utility in high-risk patients after BCMA CAR-T relapse. We are continuing preclinical and future clinical development of this CAR-T strategy, using our natural ligand CD27 design with extended in vivo persistence.
IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • PAX5 (Paired Box 5) • CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • SDC1 (Syndecan 1) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • NSD2 (Nuclear Receptor Binding SET Domain Protein 2) • TFAP2A (Transcription Factor AP-2 Alpha)
CD70 expression • SDC1 positive • CD70 overexpression
CD70/CD27 Signaling Promotes Expansion of Clonal Plasma Cells in Multiple Myeloma and Is a Promising Therapeutic Target in Advanced Disease (ASH 2023)
Moreover, different monoclonal antibodies (Abs) and Ab-derivates were tested including a CD70 blocking antibody (αCD70) and an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) optimized antibody (cusatuzumab, ArgenX) that activates FcγR-expressing effector cells to assess the therapeutic potential of targeting CD70 in MM... Our results indicate that CD70-expressing MM cells have a stem-cell like phenotype and propagate the disease. Targeting CD70 is a promising new therapy especially in advanced disease.
IO biomarker • Metastases
CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • MKI67 (Marker of proliferation Ki-67)
CD70 expression • CD27 expression • CD70 overexpression
cusatuzumab (ARGX-110)
In this regard, different Abs and Ab-derivates were tested including a CD70 blocking antibody (αCD70) and an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) optimized antibody (cusatuzumab) that activates FcγR-expressing effector cells... Although the treatment options of MM have rapidly increased during the last years, MM remains an incurable disease that ultimately leads to death. Our results indicate that especially advanced MM stages express high levels of CD70. In addition, our results indicate that CD70/CD27 cell-autonomous signaling contributes to disease progression and therapy resistance and identifies CD70 as potential target in MM.
IO biomarker
CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • MKI67 (Marker of proliferation Ki-67)
CD70 expression • CD27 expression • CD70 overexpression
cusatuzumab (ARGX-110)
Preclinical characterization of ARX305, a next-generation anti-CD70 antibody drug conjugate for the treatment of CD70-expressing cancers (AACR 2023)
In summary, the highly potent anti-tumor activity in multiple tumor types and wide therapeutic index of ARX305 support clinical evaluation of this next generation anti-CD70 ADC. ARX305 is currently in a Phase 1 dose escalation study in China, and the IND in the United States is open.
CD70 (CD70 Molecule)
CD70 expression • CD70 overexpression
Canine oral squamous cell carcinoma as a spontaneous, translational model for radiation and immunology research. (PubMed, Front Oncol)
This study identified actionable immunotherapy targets which could inform future comparative oncology trials in canine OSCC: CTLA-4, PD-1, CXCL2. These data provide a good first step towards utilizing spontaneous canine OSCC as a comparative model for human OSCC radiation and immuno-oncology research.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • PD-1 (Programmed cell death 1) • LAG3 (Lymphocyte Activating 3) • CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • ICOS (Inducible T Cell Costimulator) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • GZMB (Granzyme B) • GZMA (Granzyme A) • PRF1 (Perforin 1) • TNFSF10 (TNF Superfamily Member 10)
CD70 overexpression
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition promotes immune escape by inducing CD70 in non-small cell lung cancer. (PubMed, Eur J Cancer)
Our results provide evidence on the pivotal roles of CD70 and ZEB1 in immune escape in mNSCLC, suggesting that EMT might promote cancer progression and metastasis by not only increasing cancer cell plasticity but also reprogramming the immune response in the local tumor microenvironment.
Journal • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 1)
CD70 expression • CD70 overexpression • ZEB1 expression
A Membrane-Tethered IL-15/IL-15 Receptor Fusion Protein Enhances the Persistence and Efficacy of CD70-Targeted TRuC-T Cells (SITC 2021)
In vivo, the anti-tumor activity of CD70-targeted TRuC-T cells was significantly improved by IL-15fu in multiple tumor models and was associated with enhanced intratumoral T-cell accumulation and a preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells. Conclusions The addition of the IL-15fu improved the phenotype, persistence, and anti-tumor activity of CD70-targeted TRuC-T cells, potentially increasing the likelihood of clinical benefit in patients with CD70 overexpressing solid and liquid cancers.
Clinical • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CD70 (CD70 Molecule)
CD70 expression • CD70 overexpression
mono TRuC-T CD70 cell therapy
SOX11, CD70 and Treg cells configure the tumor immune microenvironment of aggressive mantle cell lymphoma. (PubMed, Blood)
CD27 was expressed with moderate to strong intensity in 76% of cases. Overall, our results suggest that SOX11 expression in MCL is associated with an immunosuppressive microenvironment characterized by CD70 overexpression in tumor cells, increased Treg cell infiltration and downmodulation of antigen-processing and -presentation and T-cell activation that could promote MCL progression and represent a potential target for tailored therapies.
Journal • IO biomarker
CD70 (CD70 Molecule) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • CD40LG (CD40 ligand) • SOX11 (SRY-Box Transcription Factor 11)
CD27 expression • CD70 overexpression • SOX11 expression