177Lu-DOTA-girentuximab (targeting carbonic anhydrase IX) or 177Lu-DOTA-rosopatamab (targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen) was used to deliver β-radiation to tumors via a single intravenous dose (3 or 6 MBq) in mice bearing SK-RC-52 RCC or LNCaP prostate cancer xenografts, respectively. Our findings suggest a synergistic effect between peposertib and 177Lu-based radioimmunotherapy, wherein peposertib enhanced the efficacy of radioimmunotherapy. This synergy indicates the potential to reduce the necessary dose of radioimmunotherapy for effective cancer treatment.
29 (58%) with prior >2 ARPI, 29 (58%) with >1 chemo, 14 (28%) with Ra-223, 2 (4%) with 177 Lu-J591... A single-cycle of fractionated-dose 177Lu-PSMA-617 is safe. Despite no pre-selection for PSMA expression, most had PSA decline with favorable PFS and OS compared to historical controls and similar to PSMA-selected targeted radionuclide studies administering multiple cycles in a less dose-intense approach.
Eligible patients must have received prior therapy with either enzalutamide or abiraterone plus prednisone, and 1 line of prior taxane therapy or have refused or are ineligible for taxanes. Secondary endpoints include 5-year overall survival, tumor objective response rate, time to symptomatic skeletal event, progression free survival, and number of participants with treatment-related adverse events. Clinical trial information: NCT04876651.
The primary endpoints include the absorbed radiation dose of administered 177Lu-TLX591 to kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen, bone/red marrow, and salivary glands; tumour-to-healthy tissue ratios and residence times; and type, frequency, and severity of TEAEs. Clinical trial information: NCT04786847.
SoC therapy will continue according to standard practice. Cohort 2: All further enrolled patients will receive two administrations of 76 mCi TLX591 for further evaluation of safety, tolerability and biodistribution, and efficacy in combination with SoC.
P1/2 | "29 (58%) with ≥2 prior ARPI, 29 (58%) chemo, 14 (28%) radium-223, 2 (4%) 177Lu-J591. A single-cycle of fractionated-dose 177Lu-PSMA-617 is safe. Despite no pre-selection for PSMA expression, most have post-treatment PSA decline with favorable biochemical and radiographic progression-free survival compared to historical non-PSMA controls and similar to PSMA-selected studies administering multiple cycles in a less dose-intense fashion."
177Lu-J591 demonstrated accurate targeting of known metastatic sites, based on post-treatment scintigraphy, in study populations that were not selected for PSMA expression, with evidence of dose-response and dose-limiting myelosuppression...A phase II randomized study of 177Lu-PSMA-617 showed a superior PSA50 response rate (66 vs 37%) over cabazitaxel in patients with docetaxel-pretreated, progressive mCRPC selected by PSMA and FDG PET/CT scans...The first randomized data with 177Lu-PSMA-617 (phase 2) have been presented, and the first phase 3 trial has completed accrual with radiographic progression-free and overall survival as dual primary endpoints. Multiple additional phase 3 trials of PSMA-TRT are starting and studies investigating optimal patient selection and combination therapy continue.
Single-agent anti-PSMA antibody J591 may lead to decline in CTC count, though the study did not meet its primary endpoint. A combination or maintenance approach might be preferable and is worthy of exploration.
38 (57%) received 177Lu-PSMA-617, 16 (24%) 177Lu-J591, 7 (11%) 225Ac-J591, and 5 (8%) both 177Lu-PSMA-617 and 177Lu-J591. AR resistance mutations and amplifications appear to result in poorer outcome following PSMA-TRT both in terms of PSA decline and overall survival. Genetic sequencing may inform responses to PSMA-based therapies, and prospective genomic panel testing is ongoing.Supported by: Weill Cornell Medicine, Prostate Cancer Foundation, Department of Defense, NIH
almost 5 years ago
Clinical • Clinical data
AR (Androgen receptor) • FOLH1 (Folate hydrolase 1)
55% with at least 1 prior chemo regimen, 52% >2 prior ARPI, 27% with Ra223, 30% sip-T, 5% 177Lu-J591. A single cycle of up to 22.2 GBq of 177Lu-PSMA-617 is safe with fractionated (D1 & D15) dosing, with encouraging early efficacy signals in a population unselected for PSMA expression and improved quality of life and pain scores by validated PRO instruments. Clinical trial information: NCT03042468. Research Funding: Weill Cornell Medicine, Other Foundation, Other Government Agency, Pharmaceutical/Biotech Company, U.S. National Institutes of Health.
5 years ago
Clinical • P1/2 data
FOLH1 (Folate hydrolase 1)
Pluvicto (lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan) • 177Lu-rosopatamab tetraxetan (TLX591)
55% with at least 1 prior chemo regimen, 52% >2 prior ARPI, 27% with Ra223, 30% sip-T, 5% 177Lu-J591. A single cycle of up to 22.2 GBq of 177Lu-PSMA-617 is safe with fractionated (D1 & D15) dosing, with encouraging early efficacy signals in a population unselected for PSMA expression and improved quality of life and pain scores by validated PRO instruments. Clinical trial information: NCT03042468. Research Funding: Weill Cornell Medicine, Other Foundation, Other Government Agency, Pharmaceutical/Biotech Company, U.S. National Institutes of Health.
5 years ago
Clinical • P1/2 data
FOLH1 (Folate hydrolase 1)
Pluvicto (lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan) • 177Lu-rosopatamab tetraxetan (TLX591)