Therapeutic response after ANGPT2 blockade, driven by improved CD8+ T cell infiltration to the tumor core, coincided with spatial TIE2 signaling activation and increased vascular integrity at the tumor periphery where endothelial expression of adhesion molecules was reduced. These data highlight ANGPT2/TIE2 signaling as a key mediator of T cell exclusion and a promising target to potentiate immune checkpoint blockade efficacy in melanoma.
Therapeutic response after ANGPT2 blockade, driven by improved CD8+ T-cell infiltration, coincided with TIE2 signaling activation and increased vascular integrity in the tumor periphery, indicating that maintenance of vascular integrity within tumors is necessary for robust response to immunotherapy. These data highlight ANGPT2/TIE2 signaling as a key mediator of T-cell exclusion and a promising target to potentiate checkpoint inhibitor efficacy in melanoma.
almost 2 years ago
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • ANGPT2 (Angiopoietin 2)
There is a significant difference in overall survival between HCC patients with high and low expression of ANGPT2, PGF, VEGFA, and VEGFD. Disease free survival (DFS) is significantly shorter in HCC patients with high ANGPT2, PGF, and VEGFA expression than in those with low ANGPT2, PGF, and VEGFA expression.
The angiogenic factor, angiopoietin-2, and its receptor Tie-2 seem to be significant prognostic factors in primary epithelial ovarian cancer. Their expression levels are also increased in metastatic lesions in comparison with primary tumors.