DNA methylome and single-cell transcriptome analyses reveal CDA as a potential druggable target for ALK inhibitor-resistant lung cancer therapy. (PubMed, Exp Mol Med)
In this study, we used an in vitro model of ceritinib-resistant NSCLC and employed genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in combination with single-cell (sc) RNA-seq to identify cytidine deaminase (CDA), a pyrimidine salvage pathway enzyme, as a candidate drug target. Treatment with epigenome-related nucleosides such as 5-formyl-2'-deoxycytidine selectively ablated CDA-overexpressing resistant cells via accumulation of DNA damage. Collectively, our data suggest that targeting CDA metabolism using epigenome-related nucleosides represents a potential new therapeutic strategy for overcoming ALK inhibitor resistance in NSCLC.
ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma kinase)
ALK positive • ALK fusion • ALK mutation
Zykadia (ceritinib) • ALK inhibitor