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Lynx Dx

Other names: Lynx Dx | LynxDx
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MyProstateScore 2.0 Clinically Validated in New JAMA Oncology Study (PRNewswire)
"Lynx Dx...published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Oncology that validates the efficacy of MyProstateScore 2.0 (MPS2), the company's groundbreaking prostate cancer risk assessment test....Key findings from the paper include: MPS2 was clinically validated separately in patients presenting for initial biopsy (i.e., biopsy naïve) and those presenting for a repeat biopsy (i.e., prior negative biopsy). Use of the test would safely identify 42% to 51% of patients who would not have clinically significant prostate cancer found on biopsy, while maintaining high sensitivity for high-grade cancers. The test was validated for use as a biomarker-only test or inclusive of optional clinical risk factors."