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IV BioHoldings

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Mammogen to showcase new data at SABCS 2023 demonstrating clinical efficacy of its genTRU-breast™ qPCR blood test in early-stage breast cancer (BioSpace)
"Mammogen...is set to present groundbreaking clinical data at the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). The poster, titled 'Development of a plasma-based real-time qPCR gene expression assay for targeted screening and diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer,' showcases the strength and innovation of Mammogen's proprietary genTRU-breast clinical assay."
Clinical data
gen-TRU-breast™ Assay
Mammogen achieves CLIA validation of gen-TRU-breast™ Assay (PRNewswire)
"Mammogen...has announced the successful completion of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) validation for its pioneering plasma-based clinical assay, genTRU-breast, a test designed to detect the earliest stages of breast cancer. This achievement represents a momentous step forward in revolutionizing breast health."
gen-TRU-breast™ Assay
IVBH Presents Groundbreaking Data for Early Lung Cancer Detection at the ASCO 2023 Annual Meeting (PRNewswire)
"IVBH...will unveil groundbreaking data from an independent validation study of the company's proprietary LiquidLung lung cancer detection technology, at the ASCO® 2023 Annual Meeting. This study of 3,744 subjects, including patients with pre-operative lung cancer and non-cancer controls, demonstrated accurate detection of early-stage lung cancer across prevalent histologic types and subgroups of patients with lung cancer, including never-smokers."
Clinical data