Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Her2-positive Lung Cancer Treated With Dedicated Drug
Excerpt:...HER2 exon 20 mutation or insertion among which: in-frame insertions in exon 20 between codons 775 and 881 including the 12bp insertion with a duplication / insertion of 4 amino acids (YVMA) at codon 775, the 3bp insertion with a complex insertion-substitution G776>VC and point mutations L755S and G776C....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Study of trastuzumab in combination with pertuzumab in patients already treated with a lung cancer harboring a Her2 mutation and receiving docetaxel
Excerpt:...HER2 exon 20 mutation or insertion among which: in-frame insertions in exon 20 between codons 775 and 881 including the 12bp insertion with a duplication / insertion of 4 amino acids (YVMA) at codon 775, the 3bp insertion with a complex insertion-substitution G776>VC and point mutations L755S and G776C. ...
Less C2 evidence

Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Pertuzumab Plus Trastuzumab in Patients With Lung Cancer With ERBB2 Mutation or Amplification: Results From the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry Study
Excerpt:Combination P + T showed evidence of antitumor activity in heavily pretreated patients with non–small-cell lung cancer and ERBB2 mutation or amplification, particularly those with ERBB2 exon 20 insertion mutations.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Combination of Trastuzumab, Pertuzumab, and Docetaxel in Patients With Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Harboring HER2 Mutations: Results From the IFCT-1703 R2D2 Trial
Excerpt:The objective response rate was 29% (n = 13), and 58% had stable disease (n = 26). The median progression-free survival was 6.8 months (95% CI, 4.0 to 8.5). The median duration of response in patients with a confirmed response (n = 13) was 11 months (95% CI, 2.9 to 14.9)....Triple therapy with trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and docetaxel is feasible and effective for HER2-mutated pretreated advanced NSCLC.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
1261P-Trastuzumab/pertuzumab combination therapy in advanced pre-treated HER2-mutated non-small cell lung cancer: Results of a DRUP trial cohort
Excerpt:CB was observed in 9 patients (38%), including 2 patients (8%) with partial response (PR) and 7 patients (30%) with SD ≥ 16 weeks….Trastuzumab + pertuzumab therapy demonstrated a modest overall antitumor activity in pre-treated advanced HER2m+ NSCLC patients, though leading to PR in 2 patients.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Combination of trastuzumab, pertuzumab and docetaxel in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring HER2 mutation: Final results from the IFCT-1703 R2D2 trial.
Excerpt:Overall response rate was 29% (n = 13), stable disease 56% (n = 26). Median PFS was 6.8 months (95% CI[4.0-8.5])….The triplet trastuzumab, pertuzumab and docetaxel is feasible and active in HER2 pretreated advanced NSCLC.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Targeted Therapy for Advanced Solid Tumors on the Basis of Molecular Profiles: Results From MyPathway, an Open-Label, Phase IIa Multiple Basket Study
Excerpt:Thirty-six patients received treatment with trastuzumab plus pertuzumab for tumors with HER2 mutations (without amplification/overexpression); four of these patients (11%; 95% CI, 3% to 26%) had objective responses. Fourteen of the 36 patients with HER2-mutated tumors had NSCLC (adenocarcinoma, n = 13; adenosquamous, n = 1); in this group, three patients (21%; 95% CI, 5% to 51%) had PR and three had SD > 120 days.