...Quality of life questionnaires`Perceptions of the patient-doctor relationship in patients offered bevacizumab/debulking surgery/PARPi`Satisfaction with decision-making process in patients offered bevacizumab/debulking surgery/PARPi`Emotional wellbeing following the decision-making process in patients offered bevacizumab/debulking surgery/PARPi`Treatment beliefs in patients offered bevacizumab/PARPi`Self-reported adherence to PARPi in patients offered PARPi`Percentage of patients with BRCA (BReast CAncer) mutation (%)`Percentage of patients with BRCA wild-type HRD (Homologous Recombination Deficiency) disease (%)`Percentage of patients with BRCA wild-type HRP (Homologous Recombination Proficient) disease (%)`Tests/assays used (names, proprietary)`Percentage of tests/assays used (names, proprietary) (%)`Incremental cost-utility ratio`Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio`Estimate the net financial impact over 5 years...