Association details:
Evidence Level:
Sensitive: B - Late Trials

Contribution of MEK Inhibition to BRAF/MEK Inhibitor Combination Treatment of BRAF-Mutant Melanoma: Part 2 of the Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III COLUMBUS Trial

Published date:
Eligible patients were 18 years and older with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of locally advanced, unresectable/metastatic cutaneous melanoma or unknown primary melanoma (American Joint Committee on Cancer [AJCC] stage IIIB, IIIC, or IV) and the presence of BRAFV600E and/or BRAFV600K mutation in tumor tissue....The median PFS (95% CI) was 12.9 months (10.9 to 14.9) for COMBO300 versus 9.2  months (7.4 to 11.1) for ENCO300 (parts 1  and  2) and 7.4  months (5.6 to 9.2) for ENCO300 (part 2)....COMBO300 improved PFS, ORR, and tolerability compared with ENCO300, confirming the contribution of binimetinib to efficacy and safety.
Trial ID: