Newly diagnosed AML patients ≥60 years with TP53m and/or CK (defined as ≥3 abnormalities) were consented, screened and assigned to this Ph1b/2 study by the BeatAML Master Trial. A standard 3+3 design was used for Ph1b to determine the initial recommended dose of TP-0903 (Days 1-21, 37 mg/day) in combination with dec (Days 1-10, 20 mg/m2) in a 28-day cycle....The median overall survival was 7.6 months (95%CI, 2.0 – 20.6; median FU, 17.1 months) for all patients treated at 37mg and 7.5 months (95%CI, 1.1 – NE; median FU, 7.6 months) for those treated at 25 mg.