Association details:
Evidence Level:
Sensitive: C1 - Off-label
  (Approved for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer)

Chugai’s Tecentriq Obtains Regulatory Approval as the First Immunotherapy in Japan for Adjuvant Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Chugai Pharmaceutical...announced that it obtained regulatory approval for an additional indication of the anti-cancer agent/humanized anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody Tecentriq® Intravenous Infusion 1200 mg [generic name: atezolizumab (genetical recombination)] for the adjuvant treatment of PD-L1-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare....VENTANA OptiView PD-L1 (SP263), a pathological testing kit marketed by Roche Diagnostics K.K., should be used to detect PD-L1 expression.
Evidence Level:
Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria

A clinical study to test the safety and efficacy of GB1211 in combination with atezolizumab in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). studio in aperto seguito da una fase randomizzata in doppio cieco a gruppi paralleli con studio di estansione, per indagare la sicurezza e l'efficacia di GB1211 in cominazione con Atezolizumab in pazienti affetti da carcinoma polmonare non a piccole cellule

...Expressing PD-L1 on at least 50% of tumour cells. ...
Evidence Level:
Sensitive: C4 – Case Studies

[Effectiveness of Atezolizumab Combination Therapy for PD-L1(SP142)Positive Lung and Breast Double Cancer-A Case Report]

We report a case in which atezolizumab was efficiency in PD-L1 (SP142)-positive lung and breast double cancer...Pretreatment diagnosis was lung adenocarcinoma, cT2a, N2/3, M1b/1c(HEP, OSS), Stage III A/B or IV A/B(PD-L1 positive), and right breast cancer, T4b, N2, M0/1 (HEP, OSS, LYM), Stage III B or IV triple-negative(PD-L1 positive)double cancer. We underwent surgery(mastectomy with axillar lymph nodes dissection), followed by immunochemotherapy(atezolizumab, carboplatin, paclitaxel)and it was efficiency.
Secondary therapy: