In MKN-45 GAC cell-derived peritoneal dissemination xenografts, animal survival was improved by nintedanib (33%), docetaxel (100%) and irinotecan (181%)...%) and irinotecan (332%)... In KATO-III GAC cell-derived xenografts carrying FGFR2 gene amplification, nintedanib extended survival by 209%...In MKN-45 subcutaneous xenografts, nintedanib, epirubicin, docetaxel and irinotecan reduced tumor growth (range: 68-87%)...Nintedanib showed notable antitumor efficacy and significantly improved taxane or irinotecan chemotherapy responses. These findings indicate that nintedanib, alone and in combination with a taxane or irinotecan, has the potential for improving clinical GAC therapy.