Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
Detection of circulating tumor DNA following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery to anticipate early relapse in ER positive and HER2 negative breast cancer: Analysis from the PENELOPE-B trial.
Excerpt:The PENELOPE-B phase III trial investigated the addition of one year of palbociclib to endocrine therapy (ET), in patients with hormone receptor positive HER2 negative breast cancer with residual invasive disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy....Seven patients had baseline ctDNA detected, with detection strongly associated with iDFS (HR 8.8, 95% CI 3.3-23.4, p < 0.0001). Detection of ctDNA at cycle 7 (4 patients) was also strongly associated with iDFS (HR 25.5, 95% CI 6.5-99.6, p < 0.0001).
Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
228MO - PALOMA-4: Primary results from a phase III trial of palbociclib (PAL) + letrozole (LET) vs placebo (PBO) + LET in Asian postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor–positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative (ER+/HER2–) advanced breast cancer (ABC)
Excerpt:PALOMA-4, an international, double-blind, phase 3 trial, randomized postmenopausal Asian women who had not received prior systemic therapy for ER+/HER2– ABC 1:1 to receive PAL (125 mg/d orally; 3 weeks on, 1 week off) + LET (2.5 mg/d orally; continuously) or PBO + LET. The median duration of follow-up for overall survival was 52.8 mo. At the data cutoff (Aug 31, 2020), the median PFS based on investigator assessment was 21.5 mo for PAL + LET and 13.9 mo for PBO + LET (hazard ratio, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.53–0.87]; P=0.0012). The ORR based on investigator assessment was 37.3% vs 31.6%, respectively, among all pts (P=0.154) and 43.4% vs 38.0% in pts with measurable disease (P=0.206). PALOMA-4, the largest study to date of a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor in Asian pts with ABC, confirmed the efficacy and safety of PAL + LET as first-line therapy in postmenopausal Asian women with ER+/HER2– ABC.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
Efficacy and safety of palbociclib in patients with estrogen receptor–positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative advanced breast cancer with preexisting conditions: A post hoc analysis of PALOMA-2
Excerpt:This post hoc analysis of PALOMA-2 evaluated the efficacy and safety of palbociclib plus letrozole...in patients with estrogen receptor–positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative advanced breast cancer (ABC)....Regardless of baseline preexisting condition, palbociclib plus letrozole prolonged PFS compared with placebo plus letrozole....This post hoc analysis of PALOMA-2 demonstrated a favorable effect of palbociclib on PFS...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
Efficacy of AI and palbociclib in ER+ HER2- advanced breast cancer patients relapsing during adjuvant tamoxifen: An exploratory analysis of the PADA-1 trial.
Excerpt:...ER+ HER2- advanced breast patients (ABC pts) received Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) and Palbociclib (Pal)...The median PFS under AI+PAL was 20.4 months (95%CI16.1;27.8) in patients relapsing during adjuvant TAM. In contrast, median PFS in patients with de novo metastatic disease and metastatic relapses after the completion of adjuvant endocrine therapy were 30.6 months (95%CI26.7;Not reached) and 27.8 months (95%CI24.1;30.)], respectively.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
Efficacy and safety of palbociclib (PAL) in patients (pts) with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC) with preexisting conditions: A post hoc analysis of PALOMA-2
Excerpt:PAL + LET showed prolonged PFS and a consistent safety profile regardless of baseline preexisting condition in pts with ER+/HER2– ABC.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: B - Late Trials
Palbociclib Plus Letrozole as First-Line Therapy in Postmenopausal Asian Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results From the Phase III, Randomized PALOMA-2 Study
Excerpt:Of 666 enrolled postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer...Consistent with the overall study population, the addition of palbociclib to letrozole significantly improved PFS in Asians.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Early identification of patients who benefit from palbociclib in addition to letrozole
Excerpt:...Patients with ER positive (i.e. >1% staining), HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer (preferably assessment on fresh metastasis biopsy, alternatively archival metastasis biopsy)2. ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Expanded Access Study Of Palbociclib (PD-0332991) In Combination With Letrozole As Treatment Of Post-Menopausal Women With HR-Positive, Her2-Negative Advanced Breast Cancer For Whom Letrozole Therapy Is Deemed Appropriate
Excerpt:...- ER-positive and/or PR-positive tumor based on local laboratory results...
More C2 evidence

Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib and FES PET
Excerpt:...Patients with ER positive (i.e. >1% staining), HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer (preferably assessment on fresh metastasis biopsy, alternatively archival metastasis biopsy) 2....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
PAlbociclib and Circulating Tumor DNA for ESR1 Mutation Detection
Excerpt:...Estrogen Receptor (ER)-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer. ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
A Study of Palbociclib in Combination With Fulvestrant or Tamoxifen as Treatment for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Efficacy of Letrozole + Palbociclib Combination as Neoadjuvant Treatment of Stage II-IIIA PAM 50 ROR-defined Low or Intermediate Risk Luminal Breast Cancer, in Postmenopausal Women
Excerpt:...ER-positive by IHC (Allred Score≥4) 7....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib Plus Letrozole For Postmenopausal Women With HR(+) HER2(-) Advanced Breast Cancer For Whom Letrozole Is Deemed Appropriate
Excerpt:...- ER-positive and/or Progesterone receptor (PgR)-positive tumor based on local laboratory results (test as per local practice)....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
A Phase II Randomized Study Evaluating the Biological and Clinical Effects of the Combination of Palbociclib With Letrozole as Neoadjuvant Therapy in Post-Menopausal Women With Estrogen-Receptor Positive Primary Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Operable ER-positive/HER2- negative, invasive early breast cancer, suitable for neoadjuvant AI treatment....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib and Letrozole or Fulvestrant in Treating Patients With Estrogen Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...estrogen receptor positive and/or progesterone receptor (PR) positive, HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer; histologic confirmation is required...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib / Letrozole or Fulvestrant in African American Women With HR+ HER2- Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...ER-positive and/or PgR-positive tumor based on local laboratory results 3....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
PalbocIclib in PreMenopausal Women With ER Positive/HER-2 Negative MetAstatic Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...ER positive tumour:...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Tumor Response Time of Palbociclib in Combination With AI in Real-world Chinese Patients
Excerpt:...Documentation of histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of estrogen-receptor positive (ER+, > 10%) breast cancer based on local laboratory results....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Phase II Trial of the Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor PD 0332991 in Patients With Cancer
Excerpt:...ER positive metastatic breast tumors (data now shows all to be Rb positive.) B....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Neoadjuvant Letrozole and Palbociclib in Patients With Stage II-IIIB Breast Cancer, HR+, HER2 -
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
A Study Of Oral Palbociclib (PD-0332991), A CDK4/6 Inhibitor, As Single Agent In Japanese Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Or In Combination With Letrozole For The First-Line Treatment Of Postmenopausal Japanese Patients With ER (+) HER2 (-) Advanced Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- In Part 2 and Phase 2, post menopausal women with proven diagnosis of ER-positive, HER2-negative adenocarcinoma of the breast with evidence of locoregionally recurrent or metastatic disease (including bone only disease)...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib in Combination With Fulvestrant Versus Fulvestrant in Advanced Breast Cancer: A Real-world Study in China
Excerpt:...ER-positive and/or PR-positive is defined as: positively stained tumor cells account for ≥1% of all tumor cells (confirmed by the investigator at the test center); 2....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
High Risk ER+HER2- T1-2N0-1 Early Breast Cancer With Palbociclib Plus Endocrine Therapy(HIPEx)
Excerpt:...Patient with histologically and cytologically confirmed ER positive breast cancer by local laboratory testing 8....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
A Biomarker Study of Palbociclib + Fulvestrant for Second, and Third Line of Postmenopausal Women With hr+/her2- Advanced Breast Cancer
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
To Reverse ENDocrine Resistance Trial - PD 0332991 Monotherapy vs PD 0332991 in Combination With the Endocrine Therapy
Excerpt:...- ER positive tumor ≥ 10%...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Study Of Letrozole With Or Without Palbociclib (PD-0332991) For The First-Line Treatment Of Hormone-Receptor Positive Advanced Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Inoperable estrogen receptor positive and HER2 negative breast cancer....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Impact of eHealth-support on Quality of Life in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with Palbociclib and endocrine therapy
Excerpt:...Women 18 years of age or older, who are either:• Post-menopausal, as defined by at least one of the following criteria:- Age ≥ 60 years;- Age positive (ER-positive and/or PR-positive tumor (≥ 1% positive stained cells).7. ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Efficacy and safety of intensive adjuvant treatment with a CDK4/6 inhibitor in non-pCR patients with HR-positive HER2-negative breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label phase II clinical study
Excerpt:...HR-positive HER2-negative type is defined as ER-positive rate of immunohistochemical staining of tumor cells > 10%; PR-positive is defined as the PR-positive rate of immunohistochemical staining of tumor cells is > 10%; HER2-negative is defined as HER2 immunohistochemical 0-1+ or HER2 2+, but is negative by FISH test (no amplification). ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
A Study of Palbociclib With Exemestane Plus GnRH Versus Capecitabine in Premenopausal Women With HR+ MBC
Excerpt:...Patient has HER2-negative breast cancer with IHC and/or FISH (or SISH, CISH) Patient has ER positive and/or PgR positive breast cancer by local laboratory testing 5....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
NEO21-RS: A prospective study of the outcomes following 21-gene recurrence score directed neoadjuvant therapy in ER-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer patients
Excerpt:...• 18 years of age or older• Histologically confirmed invasive breast cancer• ER positive (Allred ≥3) • HER2 negative per the 2013 ASCO/CAP guidelines• Axillary node negative or positive• Tumour measuring ≥15mm in longest diameter as measured clinically or radiologically* or any size tumour with axillary node involvement • Candidate for neoadjuvant endocrine therapy or chemotherapy • Pre- or postmenopausal womenPostmenopausal status will be defined by the presence of any one of the following criteria:≥55 years of age with an intact uterus and amenorrhoea ≥12 months at the time of diagnosis <55 years with no menses for at least 12 months prior to study entry and documented or current FSH and oestradiol levels within the postmenopausal range (as per local institutional/laboratory standard>18 years with prior hysterectomy with intact ovaries and with a documented or current FSH and oestradiol level within the postmenopausal range (as per local institutional/laboratory standard)>18 years with prior bilateral oophorectomy• Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0, 1 or 2• Adequate bone marrow function defined by Hb≥10 g/dl, ANC >1.5 x109, PLT≥100 x109/L. ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Radiation Therapy, Palbociclib, and Hormone Therapy in Treating Breast Cancer Patients With Bone Metastasis
Excerpt:...- Metastatic estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or progesterone receptor positive (PR+), Her2/neu negative breast cancer patients with imaging confirming bone metastasis within 60 days of radiation simulation...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Hydroxychloroquine, Palbociclib, and Letrozole Before Surgery in Treating Patients With Estrogen Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Diagnosis of estrogen positive breast cancer, estrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative by American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)/College of American Pathologists (CAP) criteria...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Trial of Anastrozole and Palbociclib in Metastatic HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Documentation of ER-positive and, or PR-positive tumor based on most recent tumor biopsy (unless bone-only disease)....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Prediction of Treatment Efficacy of the Combination of Palbociclib/(Letrozole or Anastrozole) in First Line Metastatic Women With Luminal, HER2 Negative Advanced Breast Cancer, Using Infrared Laser Spectroscopy Analysis on Liquid Biopsies.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
HR+/HER2- Advanced Breast Cancer and Endocrine Resistance
Excerpt:...Known estrogen-receptor positive and/or progesterone receptor positive breast cancer reported by local laboratory....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib in Molecularly Characterized ER-positive/HER2-negative Metastatic Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- ER positive tumor and HER2-negative tumor, as assessed locally...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib With Fulvestrant for Metastatic Breast Cancer After Treatment With Palbociclib and an Aromatase Inhibitor
Excerpt:...- ER-positive and/or PR-positive, HER2-negative tumor -...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Two Different Schedules of Palbociclib + Second Line Endocrine Therapy in Estrogen Receptor Positive, HER2 Neg Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the breast, with ER positive and HER2 negative status based on local testing on most recent pathological tumour specimen....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Genetic Analysis in Blood and Tumor Samples From Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Estrogen Receptor Positive and HER2 Negative Breast Cancer Receiving Palbociclib and Endocrine Therapy
Excerpt:...- Histologic confirmation from the pre-registration biopsy of either locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer that is ER-positive and HER2 -negative -...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Locoregional Treatment and Palbociclib in de Novo, Treatment Naive, Stage IV ER+, HER2- Breast Cancer Patients
Excerpt:...Estrogen Receptor (ER)-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib in Combination With Tamoxifen as First Line Therapy for Metastatic Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...- Histologically and/or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of ER positive and/or PR positive (ER >1%, PR >1%), HER2 negative breast cancer....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
PAlbociclib and Circulating Tumor DNA for ESR1 Mutation Detection
Excerpt:...Estrogen Receptor (ER)-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
PALbociclib Rechallenge in horMone Receptor-posItive/HER2- Negative Advanced Breast Cancer (PALMIRA)
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Neoadjuvant Biomarker ResearcH Study of Palbociclib Combined With Endocrine Therapy in Estrogen Receptor Positive/HER2 Negative Breast CAncer (NeoRHEA)
Excerpt:...Histological diagnosis of breast adenocarcinoma that is estrogen receptor-positive, and HER2- negative as per the updated American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Study in Women With Advanced Breast Cancer Receiving Palbociclib With AI or Fulvestrant
Excerpt:...Hormone-receptor-positive (HR+) disease, defined as estrogen-receptor-positive (ER+) and/or progesterone-receptor-positive (PgR+) 4....
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy Plus Palbociclib in Operable, Hormone Sensitive and HER2-Negative Primary Breast Cancer
Excerpt:...Pre-operative Endocrine Prognostic Index (PEPI Score)`EndoPredict is a multigene test used to predict the risk of distant recurrence of early stage, ER positive ,HER-2 Negative invasive breast cancer. ...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C2 – Inclusion Criteria
Palbociclib Plus Letrozole in Hormone Receptor Positive Residual Disease After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Excerpt:...- ER-positive and/or PgR-positive and HER2-negative tumor by the most recent ASCO/CAP guidelines, before neoadjuvant treatment locally assessed....
Less C2 evidence

Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Phase Ia/b Study of Giredestrant ±Palbociclib and ±Luteinizing Hormone-releasing Hormone Agonists in Estrogen Receptor-positive, HER2-negative, Locally Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer
Excerpt:Clinical benefit was observed in all cohorts (48.6% of patients in the single-agent cohort and 81.3% in the giredestrant +palbociclib ±LHRH agonist cohort)...Giredestrant was well tolerated and clinically active in patients who progressed on prior ET.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Overall survival in Japanese patients with ER+/HER2- advanced breast cancer treated with first-line palbociclib plus letrozole
Excerpt:In this population of Japanese women with ER+/HER2- ABC, median OS was over 7 years with 1L PAL + LET, supporting the use of 1L PAL + endocrine therapy.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Neoadjuvant palbociclib plus either giredestrant or anastrozole in oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative, early breast cancer (coopERA Breast Cancer): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2 study
Excerpt:112 patients were evaluable for objective response rate in the giredestrant plus palbociclib group, and 108 were evaluable in the anastrozole plus palbociclib group. Objective response rates were similar between the two groups (56 [50·0%] of 112 [95% CI 40·4–59·6] with giredestrant plus palbociclib vs 53 [49·1%] of 108 [39·3–58·9] with anastrozole plus palbociclib...Giredestrant offers encouraging anti-proliferative and anti-tumour activity and was well tolerated, both as a single agent and in combination with palbociclib.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Neoadjuvant giredestrant + palbociclib (P) vs. anastrozole (A) + P in postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative, untreated early breast cancer (ER+, HER2– eBC): Patient (pt)-reported outcomes (PROs) in the randomized, open-label, international phase II coopERA BC study.
Excerpt:Pts with cT1c-cT4a-c (≥ 1.5 cm within cT1c) ER+, HER2– untreated eBC and baseline Ki67 score ≥ 5% were randomized 1:1 to 30 mg PO daily (QD) giredestrant or 1 mg PO...FACT-G GP5 showed greater proportions of “improved/no change” responses in the giredestrant + P than the A + P arm at Cycles 2–4 (Cycle 2 75%; Cycle 3 71%; Cycle 4 68% vs. 62%; 66%; 53%)....Furthermore, there were numeric trends towards greater stability and improvement and less worsening of treatment burden in the giredestrant + P arm.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
A retrospective, non-interventional study of breast cancer patients diagnosed with ER+/HER2 negative, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer treated with palbociclib in Denmark
Excerpt:This retrospective, population-based study included all Danish, advanced breast cancer patients with ER+/HER2 negative disease who initiated first- or second-line treatment with palbociclib...Median OS was 51.7 months (95% CI, 44.9-54.6) for all patients in the first-line setting (n = 728) and median PFS was 24.3 months (95% CI, 21.7-27.8).
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Palbociclib plus letrozole versus placebo plus letrozole in Asian postmenopausal women with oestrogen receptor–positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative advanced breast cancer: Primary results from PALOMA-4
Excerpt:Median (95% CI) PFS was 21.5 (16.6–24.9) months with palbociclib plus letrozole and 13.9 (13.7–16.6) months with placebo plus letrozole (hazard ratio, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.53–0.87]; P = 0.0012)….Findings from PALOMA-4 support the efficacy and safety of first-line palbociclib plus letrozole in postmenopausal Asian women with ER+/HER2– ABC.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Neoadjuvant giredestrant (GDC-9545) plus palbociclib (P) versus anastrozole (A) plus P in postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor–positive, HER2-negative, untreated early breast cancer (ER+/HER2– eBC): Final analysis of the randomized, open-label, international phase 2 coopERA BC study
Excerpt:Consistent with the primary analysis, greater suppression of Ki67 was observed at surgery with giredestrant + P (–81% [95% confidence interval (CI): –86%, –75%]) vs A + P (–74% [95% CI: –80%, –67%]). Similarly, greater CCCA was achieved at surgery with giredestrant + P (20%) vs A + P (14%). ORR was similar between the two arms (giredestrant + P: 50% [95% CI: 40%, 60%]; A + P: 49% [95% CI: 39%, 59%]). coopERA BC is the first randomized study to show superior antiproliferative activity of an oral SERD (giredestrant) over an aromatase inhibitor (A) in ER+/HER2– eBC...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Survival outcomes after neoadjuvant letrozole and palbociclib versus third generation chemotherapy for patients with high-risk oestrogen receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer
Excerpt:Pathological complete response rates were 3.8% and 5.9%....The 40 months PFS rate was 86.7% [95%CI 78.0–96.4] and 89.9% [95%CI 81.8–98.7] in letrozole-palbociclib and control arms, respectively....NEOPAL suggests that a neoadjuvant letrozole-palbociclib strategy may allow sparing chemotherapy in some patients with luminal breast cancer while allowing good long-term outcomes.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Palbociclib in combination with aromatase inhibitors in patients ≥ 75 years with oestrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative advanced breast cancer: A real-world multicentre UK study
Excerpt:The clinical benefit rate was 87%. 50.7% of patients had dose reductions and 59.3% had dose delays. The 12- and 24- month PFS rates were 75.9% and 64.9%, respectively. The 12- and 24- month OS rates were 85.1% and 74.0%, respectively….Palbociclib is an effective therapy in the real-world older population and is well-tolerated with low levels of clinically significant toxicities.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
LBA14 - Neoadjuvant giredestrant (GDC-9545) + palbociclib (palbo) vs anastrozole (A) + palbo in post-menopausal women with oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative, untreated early breast cancer (ER+/HER2– eBC): Interim analysis of the randomised, open-label, phase II coopERA BC study
Excerpt:coopERA BC (NCT04436744) investigates giredestrant vs A (both + palbo) in post-menopausal women with ER+/HER2– eBC....At Week 2, 25% of tumours exhibited CCCA with giredestrant vs 5% with A (Δ 20%; 95% CI = –37%, –3%)....Interim analysis data demonstrated superior anti-proliferative activity of giredestrant compared with A.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
245P - Palbociclib combined with aromatase inhibitors (AIs) in women ≥75 years with oestrogen receptor positive (ER+ve), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative (HER2-ve) advanced breast cancer: A real-world multicentre UK study
Excerpt:Patients aged ≥75 years who received at least one cycle of palbociclib combined with an AI for first-line treatment of advanced ER+ve/HER2-ve breast cancer were eligible….The PFS rates at 12 and 24 months were 75.9% and 64.9%, respectively. The best radiological response was complete response (2%), partial response (32.9%) and stable disease (54.9%) with a clinical benefit rate at 24 weeks of 87%.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Rintodestrant (G1T48), an oral selective estrogen receptor degrader, in combination with palbociclib for ER+/HER2– advanced breast cancer: Phase 1 results.
Excerpt:Rintodestrant, as monotherapy or combined with palbociclib, continues to demonstrate an excellent safety/tolerability profile with promising antitumor activity in pts with ER+/HER2– ABC, including those with ESR1 variants.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
AMEERA-1: Phase 1/2 study of amcenestrant (SAR439859), an oral selective estrogen receptor (ER) degrader (SERD), with palbociclib (palbo) in postmenopausal women with ER+/ human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) metastatic breast cancer (mBC).
Excerpt:Patients (pts) were postmenopausal women with ER+/HER2– Mbc...In pts with ER+/HER2– mBC, safety at the RP2D of amcenestrant + palbo was favorable...Preliminary antitumor activity after at least 6 cycles of therapy (unless early treatment discontinuation) is reported in the table below....Preliminary antitumor activity was observed (ORR: 31.4% and CBR: 74.3%)….
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
63O - Letrozole and palbociclib versus 3rd generation chemotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment in luminal breast cancer: survival results of the UNICANCER-NeoPAL study
Excerpt:Postmenopausal women with ER-positive, HER2-negative...were randomly assigned to either letrozole (2.5 mg daily) and palbociclib (125 mg daily, 3 weeks/4) during 19 weeks (LETPAL)...40 months PFS rate is 86.7% (78.0-96.4) and 87.2% (78.1-97.4) in LETPAL and CT arms respectively....LETPAL strategy, together with selected postoperative administration of chemotherapy, may spare chemotherapy in some pts with LBC...
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
Palbociclib-letrozole as first-line treatment for advanced breast cancer: Updated results from a Japanese phase 2 study
Excerpt:Palbociclib plus letrozole remained effective and tolerable in Japanese postmenopausal patients with estrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer in this updated analysis.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C3 – Early Trials
A phase Ib study to evaluate the oral selective estrogen receptor degrader GDC-9545 alone or combined with palbociclib in metastatic ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer.
Excerpt:GDC-9545 was well-tolerated as a single agent and in combination with palbociclib with encouraging PK, PD, and anti-tumor activity in ER+ MBC to support Phase III development.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C4 – Case Studies
Successful Treatment of Estrogen Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer with Life-Threatening Multiple Bone Metastases Using the Combination of Fulvestrant and Palbociclib-A Case Report
Excerpt:Palbociclib, a CDK4/6 inhibitor, is found to be an effective therapeutic drug in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive (ER+)metastatic breast cancer. In this report, we describe a case of rapid progression of life-threatening multiple bone metastases of breast cancer treated with a combination of fulvestrant and palbociclib....The patient responded well to the treatment, and her general condition improved to PS 1.
Evidence Level:Sensitive: C4 – Case Studies
Abstract 1501: Exceptional response to anti HER-2 targeted therapy in patient with HER2/neu negative breast cancer with HER2/neu positive CTCs
Excerpt:R axillary node biopsy revealed breast cancer cells ER+, PR-, HER2-....started palbociclib plus letrozole which continued for 15 months with no evidence of disease on serial repeat imaging.