In the China cohort, treatment-naive pts with nsq stage IV EGFR/ALK-negative NSCLC were randomised 1:1 to receive 4 or 6 cycles of cis 75 mg/m2 + pem 500 mg/m2 Q3W alone (PP arm) or with atezo 1200 mg Q3W (APP arm) followed by maintenance pem (PP arm) or atezo + pem (APP arm)....At the final PFS analysis, mPFS was 8.3 (APP) vs 5.8 mo (PP; HR 0.73; 95% CI 0.5, 1.08)....Confirmed ORR was 56% (APP) and 27% (PP); mDOR was 6.7 (APP) and 8.5 (PP) mo.