We studied CTNNB1-wildtype (HEC1B, Ishikawa) and CTNNB1-mutant (HEC108, HEC265, HEC1B-S33Y, Ishikawa-S33Y) EC cell lines. In contrast, PRI724 and SM04690 indirectly inhibited beta-catenin transcriptional activity and significantly reduced cell viability in CTNNB1-mutant EC cell lines. Treatment with SM04690 reduced cell viability in all EC cell lines, but was significantly lower in HEC108, HEC265 and HEC1B-S33Y...SM04690 significantly induced apoptosis in HEC265 cells (3.98% vs. 6.91% AnnexinV/PI+, p = 0.044) and reduced TCF transcriptional activity in HEC1B-S33Y (-84%, p = 0.017) and HEC108 (-74%, p = 0.002) cells.